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Your search for '"Let's Be Clear!"' yielded 24 results:

  • Book
    Beyond Manifesting

    Jacqui Derbecker



    Other Formats: E-Book

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    How to Host a Book Signing

    ...a best selling author (yet!). But, by taking matters into your own hands you do have some control over how your event can go. Being prepared for whatever may come and staying calm under pressure will let your readers know you have confidence they can trust. Back to Marketing Articles | Back to Main Articles  Marketing Articles 25
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    Designing Your Book

    ...all books to maintain a standard of publishing for our authors’ work and to identify areas in your manuscript that could potentially put you at copyright and/or libel risk.  Why does my book undergo a content evaluation?
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    Selling Your Book

    ...changes made to your book detail page will be reviewed by Balboa Press and posted after one business day. What are the features of my book detail page? 500 If you have any additional questions about the Balboa Press bookstore, please contact customer support at 844.682.1282, or by email at What if I have a question that is not answered here? 1000

Results 21 - 24 about 24 for "Let's Be Clear!"