Library of Congress Control Number


Make your book more accessible to librarians and book venders by cataloging it with the Library of Congress. When you purchase a Library of Congress Control Number through Balboa Press your book will be numbered and linked to the Library of Congress, national libraries, bibliographic utilities and other book venders so your book can be quickly found.

Balboa Press is approved to give out Library of Congress Control Numbers so when you purchase this service we will work with the Library of Congress to obtain a control number for your title. We then print the number on the title page inside your book.

The Library of Congress sets strict guidelines about which books may receive a Library of Congress Control Number.

The following types of books are ineligible for Library of Congress Control Numbers:

  • Books which do not list a U.S. city as place of publication on the title page or copyright page
  • E-books (i.e. books published in electronic format)
  • Items under 50 pages, with the exception of genealogies, children's literature, and catalog exhibitions submitted by museums and art galleries
  • Textbooks below the college level
  • Items not intended for wide distribution to libraries
  • Religious instructional materials
  • Expendable educational materials
  • Transitory or consumable materials, such as coloring books, comic books, and cut-out books.
  • Translations except Spanish
  • Music scores
  • Crossword puzzle books
  • Serials
  • Custom editions

Note: This service can be purchased together with the publishing package or during the submission of the manuscript. This cannot be purchased for book titles that are already published.

Call 844.682.1282 to order

or speak to a Balboa Press team member for more information about this service

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Prices listed do include the copies of the book; the cost of shipping and handling will be calculated and charged after your book is made available for sale.