My name is Aamogh Sannigrahi, I am currently 13 years old enjoying my school holiday break after a meaningful education in my year 7 year at St Peter’s College, Adelaide. I also play a sport, Table Tennis, which is one that I am very fond of. I participated in the 2024 National Table Tennis Championship at Mandurah, Western Australia. I was in the under 13 team, bravely playing opponents of a competitive level, while I fought for the medal. I also enjoy eating different foods, (not spicy), as well as cooking them which entertains me as I personally tend to enjoy cooking for my family and myself. I also like reading, sometimes studying, and writing nutrition books like this first one which I am hoping to extend to therefore increase the amount of people to get healthier if they need to. Therefore, I, as a person, enjoy what a regular kid likes while having a little uniqueness regarding writing nutrition to be entertained and at the hopes of minimizing the effects of certain diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, asthma, lung disease, etc. I hope this gets achieved by people reading this book as they will be educated about the nutrition of certain foods and drinks in which they can incorporate in their diet.
About this book:
I, Aamogh Sannigrahi, is currently writing this book hoping to strive for the best, as well as creating a purpose which is entirely to encourage yet not force for people to make better choices regarding nutrition which can therefore benefit their health in several ways including minimizing and preventing certain diseases which I hope to help if anyone catches it. My pursue in writing this book is to also try to encourage people to make healthier choices and limiting unhealthy food to moderation to have a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, I would like to thank my mother as she was the main reason I even thought about writing this book, she encouraged me to strive the best I could be with writing a nutrition book that is destined to do greater good in this world. I hope people enjoy reading my book as that would motivate me to write a second book of this, which will also increase my entertainment as well as everyone else’s while learning about the importance of nutrition.
How I found interest in nutrition:
I found interest in nutrition just shortly after one day, when I was 9 years old, in a car with my parents, eating food and finding the curiosity to research it. Once I found out the nutrition values of the certain food, I was enjoying it which meant that I had a new hobby to do, research nutrition. Personally, Nutrition is what I like to research as in the future I want to be a Dietitian which helps people overcome certain health issues like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and asthma by giving them a certain organised health plan. I continue to research nutrition as it is what I like to do for a living. Nutrition is just what I love to think and research about, primarily because I like to eat lots and different types of foods which contain a variety of different micronutrients and vitamins. I realise that for other people, nutrition may not fonder them, but I am writing this word document just to express my loving nature for nutrition. I, a 12-year-old, went to my family friend’s house to write a personalised diet plan for the family friend’s grandparents and they expressed their gratitude for me by thanking me as well as following it. Somehow, interest in nutrition just natures upon me, as my love for food goes unparalleled to anything else in this world which contributes to my love for nutrition as well. Therefore, my love for nutrition goes beyond the world, as it is my hobby, and I love to research about especially after I have finished eating some food. Sometimes, I caught other people eating unhealthy food and I pointed it out, so they would feel they need to make better choices, but I understood that was not polite to do, so I stopped doing that. If someone consumes lots of sugar like gummy bears or ice cream, it is very important to drink a lot of water after the snack, because if you drink water after having a sugary treat, then your teeth would be protected as the sugar in the teeth would wash away from the natural minerals of water. As a mini dietitian, I would strongly advise for kids that are aged 8-12, to consume around 25 grams of sugar per day as any more than that can damage young children’s teeth which can contribute to wasting money on dental appointments as well as having cavities. As for food like burgers, I would advise to have a nice fast-food treat once every 3 weeks, as burgers and fries are both high in saturated fat which can also contribute to obesity and overweightness. Burgers and fries are also high in oil which is the source of fats as well as being fried. These are the reasons why I personally do not want to see people eating fast food regularly, as it would only impact their health.