Voting to Work With My Creator

Daily ideas and views on how to relate with your Creator to move towards who you want to be.

by Gerald Bara

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9798765259139
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9798765259146

About the Book

Viewing living as ‘what I make of it’ will get me looking for ways to build a stronger way of relating to this world. Where do I find the strength I am looking for? Why is it so tough for me to move through my fears? What we all look for comes from that Bigger Power part of us. Relating to that Bigger Power / Creator works better when I am aware of what the relationship asks of me.

About the Author

GERALD BARA is a Social Worker (R.S.W) and Teacher (B.ED) with over 30 years experience. He views the invisible touch of the Creator as a very powerful support to having a good and fulfilling life. “Voting to work with My Creator” is a vindication of all the supportive ideas anyone can use to relate with their Creator/Bigger Power. Gerald’s ability to view where people vote to not move through their scenarios that are causing them suffering and then coaching them through their process to get better, is a large part of his Social Work. ‘Validating people’s human efforts to let go of their emotional pain and finding the best ways to move through the negative feelings is the best part of my work.’ Gerald’s goal is to bring awareness to how each person is able to have a better life with others by working with Their Creator.