My Creator is this wondrous Bigger Power that can make a big tree grow from a small seed. I find it amazing, and I have no idea how it happens every year. I ask myself the same kinds of questions about myself. Why do I grow or not grow to be who I want to be and how do I work with the Source of that growing itself? What works to strengthen my relationship willingly with My Creator; that which creates me and my life. The 365 views are an offering of how “Voting To Work With My Creator” can look like.
View 1. I am able to love myself through the will of My Creator.
When I go to love myself by myself I only get so far.
I am a part of the Bigger Power that has the power to support me to totally love myself.
View 2. Asking for help from My Bigger Power will bring support where I am open to receive it.
View 3. Viewing the world of My Creator is viewing worlds that we are all a part of. What creates
me is in them too.
View 4 Being worthy in my feelings of having my needs met will come when I work with My
View 5 Whatever is in the way of my growing experience of love, will to be turned over to My
Creator. My fears say I am not worthy enough to have love somehow. Where my fears work
hard to keep me from having love in my life, invite My Creator there.
View 6 Wouldn’t it be great to experience more love in this world? Who says my will is not a part
of My Bigger Power. If this ‘who’ is wrong then my will has power.
View 7 My Creator please fill the vulnerable places inside of me, with light and love. Permitting My Creator to support my vulnerable places is doable.
View 8 Welcome the worthiness of My Creator to grow within me to be able to handle this world
we live in with power and kindness.
View 9 My Creator views me having experiences of Love. I am created from My Creator which is
the Source of Love, light and life. I am created from that same Source.
View 10 My Creator will reach into all parts of me to have me experience love within me.
My Creator reaches into my mind, my body, my soul, my spirit, my sense of connection
with My Creator and my sense of power to this world. My Creator works in all those places
to work the pains out.
View 11 My experiences of happiness come from working to release my habitual programming that
says I can’t do it. We all have habitual programming that says we can’t do it. It is not truly
who we are or where we come from. Working through the negative habitual programming
means voting every day to keep erasing that negative habitual programming even when it
is viewed as weakness.
View 12 I have it in me to want love and light for others. It is tough to want love and light for all
others. Some others I may not like too much. Withholding from others causes my body to
contract. Which means less love or positive energy can get to me. And from me to those I
really like and love.
View 13 I have it in me to will love and positive energy for others. My Creator is what actually offers
the love and positive energy to others; what my part is, is wanting it to happen.
View 14 Welcoming thoughtlessness inside my mind sets things up for the slave and victim mindset
to start to grow. Welcome My Creator into that thoughtlessness.