Father do You have a minute?

Come unto Me

by Milton White

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9798765258705
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9798765258699

About the Book

Hopefully, this book of poetry will be a light to all of us who have times of darkness, strength when we are weak hope when we feel we're in distress, comfort when we feel so all alone. We all have times in our life when we feel so all alone, however we must always know God is there with us. Jesus said," I Am the Light, also He said" I Will be with you always even until the end of the age". As He said in the Gospels, "I Am with you always"!!

About the Author

My parents, James W., Lula Bell White, raise 11 children, which I am the 5th from the eldest, along with 3 of their grandchildren. That may a total of 16 of us in one home. However, I was the 1st to graduate High School, the 1st to go to a two-year Community college. I accepted Jesus the Christ as my Savior at the age of 18, going on to learn and study constantly reading the Holy Bible about the Salvation our Savior Jesus the Christ Blood Sacrifice for our sins,being Sealed with the Power of God's Holy Spirit.ive been a Deacon, Minister,Asst Pastor, interim Pastor of various churches. I married in 1976 for 9 years, before re married to current wife,Grace, who assisted me in raising my two daughters, gala Simone, Shonda Micheline, from my previous marriage. Then in 1994 provided our family with a son Milton James White. Our daughters are beautiful, intelligent with Christian families of their own. Our son MJ is ever present around us to help me with my disabilities and medical issues. He is always what the Bible says, he called the Young because they are strong and the older because we know the way. He gives me strength also when I feel weak physically mentally also. I thank God for all of my family tree, Brothers, sisters, in-laws on both sides of our marriage, cousins and their family tree, nieces nephews and all of their family trees. I have too many friends that I grew up with especially in the small town of Newtonville New Jersey. Too many neighbors that would more like family than friends. They know who they are and they know it is too many of them to number. But to them I say thank you for the memories of growing up neighbors and Friends. I thank God for the many teachers, in college and throughout my ministry that have been a beacon of light and intelligence to get me to the point I am today. However two people I want to thank in particularly. That is Sister Sarah Jacobs who let me to Salvation of Jesus Christ, and the one that gave me inspiration Geraldine White my eldest sister. That does not take away the love and the strength and the backbone I got and is still receiving from my wife Grace Brown -White and my son MJ with my daughters Gayla Simone Young and Shonda Michelin Green with their mates respectfully Walter and Dimien. I thank God above we are blessed to collectively raise 7 grandchildren, Christopher, Genesis, Kevin J., Kierra, Jaylin, Troy, Taylor, and one grandson, Karter. Blessings always to my first wife, to Grace my forever spouse, to every hospital, rehabs, Home Care associates that has helped me throughout the years to give me better health through their knowledge and care. Again it is too many to number, yet their love and their knowledge and care is priceless. Because of them all, I can thank God for life. Special thanks to a friend, Mr Ralph Hunter, President and Founder of the African-American Heritage Museum of Southern New Jersey, who allowed me to be a docent to learn and share his knowledge of History too many schools throughout schools, visits to the museum in Buena NJ. through the kindness of the Mayor Chuck, Deputy Mayor with many of Committee associates of Buena.