by A. W. Lindahl

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/26/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781982289232
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781982289256
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781982289249

About the Book

Soul Sustenance is an inspiring memoir chronicling singer and songwriter A. W. (Anna) Lindahl’s eye-opening journey to personal and spiritual fulfilment. Following a tough life on the road with just a guitar and a bag full of uncertainties, Anna became pregnant with an Australian man and spent a year trying to adapt to the hot climate of north Queensland. Unhappy and desperate to return to England, her life took a very unexpected turn when an Australian psychic Romani became her spirit guide through the next stages of her life! Soul Sustenance follows Anna’s next steps as an emotional autobiography with an element of Dreamtime fiction, as well as Anna’s own beliefs and experiences of spiritualism. She combines her knowledge from life’s own university, and what she has learned through other writers, and weaves songs throughout, like a lyrical life map. The red-haired Romani with the emerald eyes led Anna back to her one passion, her dharma, her soul, and her six-string friend. If you look within and find the “you who you are,” you too can live the life you were born to live, as within so without.

About the Author

This is Anna’s journey following a tough life on the road with just a guitar and a bag full uncertainties. She became pregnant to an Australian man and spent a year trying to adapt to the hot climate of north Queensland. Unhappy and desperate to return to England her life took another turn. An Australian psychic Romani became her spirit guide through the next stages of her life. She returned to England with her little boy, settling down in a small town in the west midlands. Anna’s life unfolded in the most unexpected ways. This autobiographical story is mixed with dream time fiction and spiritualism. The red haired Romani with the emerald eyes leads her back to her one passion, her dharma, her soul and her six string friend.