Bowing to Our Divine Essence, Within And Suppressing aspects of our ego-mind That impedes our Divine connection

by Barbara Johnston

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/11/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781982289645
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781982289652

About the Book

The purpose of this book is to encourage us all to develop within the ability to distinguish between our Divine voice and that of our ego. In doing so we will become inspired through our Divine wisdom to navigate life with clarity that frees us of inner conflict, and allows us to embrace our strengths and weaknesses. We all have a quiet Divine essence within that is often dominated by the noisy aspirations of our ego-mind. Yet, life for us all would be entirely different if we all made a point daily of living life through our Divine lens. Bowing to the Divine essence within, allows our awareness merge into the sacred core of our being to discover our Divine nature. It is in this sacred space that we are able to reawaken our inner wisdom. We then experience life through our Divine lens, and we will never view our earthly life the same again, even after painful moments. We step into our inner power, and it is not about averting painful emotions, but rather seeing all from a higher perspective. Even though our Divine essence, is not visible and is buried in the recesses of our being, it is vividly present within us all and vibrates at an authentic higher reality. Until we connect and sense it within, we will not clearly understand who we are and who we are not. This is not a complicated path and does not require adherence to any particular practice or organisation. It is not an intellectual journey of our mind, and it is not based on any religion, philosophy or belief. It’s a simple one that is inherent within us all. One that moves us into a higher consciousness and enriches our life, through our journey of self-discovery, self-understanding and spiritual inspiration.

About the Author

Barbara Johnston M.A. MNFSH Barbara Johnston is a registered Spiritual Healer with the NFSH since the mid-1990s. She has an honours M.A. in Applied Spirituality from the National University of Ireland. She has worked as a medium with the Spiritual Realm for over 30 years. Although now retired, she organised and held workshops in Ireland, for many years. She encouraged all those who attended her Channelling workshops to align with their Higher Self, to achieve an expanded state of consciousness and others in her mediumship workshops were assisted in a meditative state to communicate with their angels, guides, and loved ones through various channels. Barbara also held one-to-one workshops and private sessions for Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Readings. She is the author of two other spiritual books: Worlds within Worlds in the Spiritual Dimension and Bringing Home our Spiritual Truths (a collection of Spiritual Poems).