Little Dot The Mudlark

by Mike Bunce

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9798765200469
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9798765200476

About the Book

Little Dot was an unfortunate little bird. She practised to fly often and a big wind blew her out of her nest. She had a stubborn attitude and that is what helped her survive. She was like a little dot on the driveway outside our home so we called her Little Dot. The story is about how she grew. The things she did and the love she gave to everyone around her. She was a delight to have around. She was never kept inside or in a cage and was always free to return to the wild and, perhaps, that is why she has done so successfully. Mike has always said Little Dot wrote her own story, he just put it into words.

About the Author

The family cat is a stray. It was put into Mike’s lap by his daughter. She told her friend “Dad’s a sucker for animals”. Perhaps he is. He saw Little Dot on the driveway and knew he had to help. No knowledge of how to look after it. Phone calls and the Internet and visit’s to pet shops for just the right food. His wife was also a great help even though she didn’t like worms. She also helped feed Little Dot. They always knew she was and always would be, wild. Mike was born on a farm and has always been around animals.