by Bella St. Patrick & Arista

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798765255537
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798765255513
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798765255520

About the Book

One summer in 1973, a beautiful baby girl named Bella St. Patrick came into the world. Her grandfather held her proudly and then suddenly had a heart attack and died. It was then her Granny became the “Father” figure to their family. From her humble beginnings, Granny planted her own roots and grew a new strong Family Tree. She taught her granddaughter every value she had and Bella would need it, for her path would be strewn with challenges. At 5, she would find her mother bloodied on the floor. At 6, she would suffer the devastating lifelong effects from sexual abuse. At 16, she would fall in love with a wholesome sweet boy who became a drug dealer. At 25, she would build her dream house to have a loving husband and children, only to have that dream shattered. Gallons of “Gin and Lemon Drops” led to no home and “homelessness” at 50. Join Bella in her journey from the bottomless pit to discovering her own true self and finding her “Real Home” lies within. A story of Love, Hope, Respect & Courage that celebrates your own True Self..

About the Author

Bella St. Patrick, Co-author
Bella St. Patrick is a survivor of physical, mental, and sexual abuse. This is the first novel she decided to write not only for therapy purposes but in the hopes that she will give strength to others who have been harmed. She also hopes to stop anyone from making the many mistakes she has made in life, and that in itself would be an accomplishment she will relish. She is also a proud member of the LBGTQIA + community. In her professional life, Bella has a diversity of job experiences: in the military, as a Corrections Officer in a state prison, as a Medical Front Office Coordinator for Physicians and Cardiologists, and as a Caretaker for a wonderful young man who was born blind, autistic, and had cerebral palsy. From whatever job she encounters, Bella takes a wealth of experience from it. She feels every human being she has contact with enriches her life.
In her travels, she has witnessed one thing over and over. It is very true in what they say there is only 6 degrees of separation. She has been around people from all walks of life: the affluent to the middle class, and even the poorest of the poor, and what she has found is they all have the same thing in common. They all want to be loved, heard, and respected.

A special thank you goes out to Funky Dineva: “Funky Dineva, I express my gratitude and admiration to YOU. I watched you for years on your YouTube channel bare your soul with the good, the bad, and the ugly of your life. You have helped me through 2 marriages, 2 divorces, rehab, and homelessness. I remember on my bad days—and there were many—how you would turn my tears into hysterical laughter when I heard those words “QUIET AS ITS KEPT” ‘cuz I knew it was going to be some mess. Lol. And as you always say, “NEVER LET A BITCH SPRAY YOU WITH YOUR OWN TEA.”
Thank you for inspiring me to tell my story with the courage, dignity, and respect I give to you for telling your life story.”
Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoy…
Bella St. Patrick

Arista, Co-author
Arista is an award-winning author/actor living in New York City. Her stage plays, All About Sneakers and Welcome Home Kelly!, have had Off-Broadway productions. Her screenplay USA heralds the “1st Homeless Street Soccer World Cup” in Graz, Austria; her screen and stage play, What Would the Founding Fathers Tell Us Today, adapted from Werner Neff’s book, remind us who built the foundation of America and what our forebearers would say today. Her memoir book, CHAD, A Celebration of Life – Beyond a Mother’s Memories, recounts her son’s 26 years on earth and the many lives he touched, his own cut short by Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes. His nonprofit organization, “The Chad Foundation for Athletes and Artists,” has safeguarded 10,000 young hearts with echocardiogram screenings and is supported by Adam Silver, the Commissioner of the NBA. She is honored to co-author with Elle Louise in her real-life story, ‘TIL TIMES GET BETTER, and bring ‘to life’ her voyage of years of devastating child abuse and her escape to become a “Survivor.” Recently, she is proud to co-author with Bella St. Patrick in her life story BROKEN BUT HEALING, hailing her triumphs in buying her own home at 25, surviving devastating abuse and addiction spiraling to homelessness at 50, and her indomitable, victorious quest back to life. Arista hopes these books will be inspirational healing tools for those experiencing abuse and addiction. Her most significant role is mother to her 3 sons, Chad, Curt, and Collin, and a dedication to the gift of safeguarding Hearts and creating Art that uplifts the Human Spirit.