Has The Church Become Too Feminine?

Why are There More Women in the Church Than Men?

by Colleen McLean

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/9/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9798765200254
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9798765200261

About the Book

“Has The Church Become Too Feminine?” Endeavours to find out why there are more women in church than men. It is valuable to church leaders who are concerned about the lack of attendance of men of all ages. It leads the reader to a better understanding of what Jesus did when he walked the dusty roads, how he handled the impulsive and sometimes reckless Peter, and why Jesus chose Judas. The author lists twenty events that shocked Peter and ten lessons he learned in preparation for his future life as a leader. McLean offers thought-provoking answers to questions such as: Is the church structure to blame? Can we approach Christianity with common sense and logic? Do men like to worship? Does God’s vision for men fill the void in a man’s life?

About the Author

Colleen McLean is a retired pastor and, along with her colleague Glenda Ikundi, and house parents Taoh and Danai, care for thirty-four children in Mercy Children’s Home in the remote hills of North East India (Senapati, District, Manipur, India). She has authored two books and numerous articles, which are available on her website, www.colleenmcleanauthor.com. All her publications are inspirational and straightforward. She is passionate about developing people. She is an experienced netball coach and has an engaging sense of humour. She has been married to her husband, Peter, for over fifty years and resides on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia. They have five grown-up children and eight grandchildren.