Empath Rising

Remember why you came: the book to wake up your soul

by Mandy Wheeler

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/23/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781982289102
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781982289096

About the Book

A book written by an empath for empaths, to remind you why you came to earth. Journey through your shadows and into your light, as you gain the power of the empath once again. This book reminds you that all the difficulties an empath encounters do not need to define your story. You are equipped with great abilities which you will be reminded of as you embark on the healing journey throughout. The book to wake up your soul.

About the Author

Mandy Wheeler is a spiritual teacher who has specialised in teaching other empaths how to understand their own abilities for over 15 years. Mandy is a psychic empath who offers spirit connection and future readings. She is a counsellor, regression therapist, clinical hypnotherapist and a healer. She uses her training and abilities to assist other people in gaining their own personal power and connecting to their higher self. Mandy runs a virtual training group which teaches about energy and psychic development. She helps others to understand their own abilities and how to use it to the highest good of themselves and others. To join the VIP group please visit her website: www.thespiritsway.co.uk and navigate to ‘VIP Area’