An Infinite Prologue
Book Details
About the Book
The main character, Fred, is ‘Everyman,’ and a part of him is within us all. This novel has dramatic external conflicts to hold interest, but those are not key elements. Like most of those who would read this book, Fred had deeply moving spiritual experiences some would call miracles, and is learning human life as opportunity even as he appears to live a mundane incarnation. As he purifies his life, he sees and experiences divine synchronicities and beneficence in the growth of humanity and within all the main characters. The plot of this novel is based upon the development of the characters in the previous novel, Chapter X. Fred enters into a maelstrom of chaos as he takes over the raising of a nephew. This is complicated by discovering a family heirloom is found to have significance beyond its antique value which unknown others are trying to get by violent means. This takes place as he recognizes the need to relinquish his attachment to the past and his fears for the future. Although he is desperate to renew his communion with spiritually advanced beings, he is forced to recognize doing so will require his own spiritual growth. As we all face similar problems, his issues may reflect yours. Like Fred and his nephew, we have different abilities and talents, but are all equal in this school. Thus, as you read, not only relate your own thoughts with the characters, but also follow them back to their motivations and forward to their implications. The main characters’ choices and actions have to be backed up with an unbreakable commitment to the Absolute. Whether you call that God, the Christ, or the Universe you will begin to consciously recognize every event as an opportunity to merge with the divine.
About the Author
Mark Reiner earned a BA and MA in music composition from the University of California, Davis, and then taught in public school and as adjunct faculty in a local junior college. For 20 years he and his family lived in isolation at five thousand feet on the slopes of Mt. Shasta, CA. There they had other dimensional experiences creating a fundamental turning point in their lives. Many of his experiences are recorded in a previous book, Visions. In 1991 the family moved to Idaho, but the need to help other people find their own Higher Self and consciously unite with their soul became paramount. Because different people respond to spiritual teaching in different ways, he also builds altars for use in homes out of wood and stained glass. They have been shown in galleries in the West. Additionally, he has written many pieces for orchestra and choir based upon spiritual principles. Today he and his wife direct The Pend Oreille Chorale and Orchestra which they founded over thirty years ago. This group of volunteer musicians performs his music and gives free classical concerts to the people of north Idaho.