The Key…to the Whole Situation

Your Guide to the Akashic Records How to use Spirituality to Support Health, Wellness, and Vitality

by Stephanie Tingle

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9798765252727
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9798765252710
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9798765252703

About the Book

Do you have habits you can’t break? Do you continually attract the same type of dysfunctional partner or relationship? Is there a pattern in your life you just can’t figure out? Do you feel stuck, lost, or unfulfilled? In The Key to the Whole Situation, author Stephanie Tingle outlines how the Akashic Records can help. Stephanie explains how the issues preventing you from living your ideal life may be rooted in soul-level lessons you set out to experience in this lifetime. They may also be remnants of experiences from past lifetimes you haven’t been able to access and process in the present. This book introduces you to The Key to accessing your Akashic Records—the database of every action, spoken word, thought, and intention your soul has generated in this and every other lifetime. These records help you access the origin of the challenges you face and offer guidance on how to heal and move beyond them. The Key to the Whole Situation teaches you how you can focus intentionally on an issue and use The Key to access the Akashic Realm, illuminating the issue from a higher perspective and presenting potential solutions. It’s then possible to release those energies that don’t serve you and your highest path. Habits and patterns holding you back fall away, and space opens up for you to live a truly fulfilled life.

About the Author

Stephanie Tingle is a board-certified health and wellness coach and Akashic Records reader. After studying many methods of energy healing and ways of working in the Akashic Records, Stephanie channeled the method detailed in this book. Connect with her online at