The Book of Life Overview (this is a section of the book overview for preview purposes). Note, the audio version of this book is available on my website
By the time you reach the end of this book, you will come to know exactly why you can have the good life you want at all times, easily, joyously and effortlessly. In fact, you will know that the reason you came here was to have a joyous life experience in all ways, and that you have all of the faculties within, combined with the support of universal laws, truths and elements, to have that joyous experience. This fact that life is setup to be a continuous joyous and fulfilling experience may surprise you somewhat or even quite a bit, because what we have been taught about life, and what we have observed about life, it is very different than an effortless joyous experience. For this reason we know for sure there has to be something missing and you will come to understand just how much we are missing as you go through this section, and also as you go through the book learning all about the accurate knowledge of life, that shows you clearly, why and how you can have the good life you came for.
When you look at how humanity has been living over the past thousands of years, you wouldn't say it has been the joyful ride it is setup to be, in fact, you would say it's been a pretty rough ride much of the time and that includes right up to current times. Just look at the lack of satisfaction that people have in their job experience and not feeling they have any direct or guaranteed way to change it to what they want, but yet one does exist. Look at what happens in so many relationships of all kinds, so much turmoil and torment, but yet loving, fulfilling relationship experiences are completely available to us, at all times. Look at how so many people are dissatisfied with their money situation and are trying to figure out how to get more money, but believing it takes a lot of effort in one way or another and no guarantees, and yet unlimited abundance of all that we want is flowing to us at all times for us to easily and effortlessly receive it. Look at the discomfort, along with worry and fears around physical ailments to which medicine has no satisfactory resolve, but yet our body is self healing. Most people do not work on the basis that life is all about joy filled days where you joyously receive what you want and every thing works out for you. Most people do not yet know that a joy filled life is not only possible, it's what we came for and this entire universe is setup to serve and support us in living that life, but despite this fact, most people work on the belief that their are no guarantees in life and that it is full of uncertainties, and that if you do the 'right' things you may get some of what you want. Generally speaking, most people do not yet believe they are in complete charge of their life and can have it as they want it.
Why have we been living with so much dissatisfaction, uncertainty, insecurity, lack and uneasiness when we can be living the life we want guaranteed. There can only be one reason, we don't know how to receive that good life we want; surely if we did, we would. And so, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that we are missing a great deal of important knowledge that disables us from living the good life we came for. To give you an idea of how much knowledge we are missing, take a run through the following questions and see how many you answer 'yes' to.
Apart from what you have been reading here in this section,
Did you know that came into your body to have a continuous life of joy?
Did you know that you have all of the power within, and full support of universal elements to have a life of continuous joy?
Did you know that you can receive anything you want, easily and effortlessly, and guaranteed?
Did you know that you have unlimited access of unlimited abundance available to you all of the time, and you get to decide whether you are receiving it or not?
Did you know that you have natural gifts and talents that are always in demand and joyful for you to express?
Did you know at all times you are perfect and a success and inherently valuable?
Did you know that there is a Creative Process that completely explains how your desires are born, created and you can allow them to turn into physical realities?
Did you know that your beliefs are the reason for absolutely everything happening in your life?
Did you know that you can change your beliefs so they support you in receiving what you want?
Did you know you took on your beliefs in the first 8 to 10 years of your life?
Did you know the beliefs you have about yourself and life, they lack the accurate knowledge of life and so a good deal of your beliefs about life and your self are faulty and limiting?
Did you know that your body is self-healing?
Did you know that there is a law of attraction that knows the vibration of your beliefs and connects you with energy that matches them?