Uncovering Life's Gold Nuggets

My spiritual journey of learning, acceptance and growth; loving more every day despite life's challenges including the passing of my daughter and wife

by John Mudge

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/2/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798765252994
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798765253007
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9798765252987

About the Book

I wrote this book to share my story of finding peace and joy and an inner resilience that helped me thrive despite the passing of my daughter and shortly thereafter, my wife. At about age 40 I had an epiphany, inspired by my loving grandma, that allowed me to recognize my spirit and my connection to God. With that realization, I was able to transcend a shy personality, a life of much fear and a lack of belief in anything beyond what my five senses could comprehend. I was able to achieve miraculous successes with family, friends, non-profits, and business. And, most importantly, I was able find God's love inside me such that all I wanted to do was extend that love and learn more and more about all things spiritual. But then the unimaginable happened when our 24-year-old daughter passed away, my marriage struggled and then my wife got cancer and died. Thank God for my daily practice of prayer and meditation and my knowing that I had to accept and move forward and continue to grow. Since those losses, I found and married my soul mate and have a beautiful life of learning and sharing love. I am very blessed to have an ever-strengthening faith and a knowing that I must share. I hope you can find peace and love in my words.

About the Author

John retired from a fulfilling career in mining (primarily gold) and now he has more time to focus on writing and spiritual development. He and his soulmate live on one of the beautiful islands in the Puget sound. He loves spending time with his son, his wife’s kids and five grandkids and he enjoys travel to join up with many wonderful friends.