
Beyond Belief

by Chris Cullen

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/17/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781982287979
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9781982288570
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781982287986

About the Book

Author Chris Cullen was devastated when his life partner, Christine, died unexpectedly in October of 2022. Heartbroken and numb with grief, he knew he had two choices: give up, or get up and find something positive. Chris mindfully began picking up the pieces and worked toward healing the mind-body-spirit connection. During the journey, he felt guided by an invisible force.

In Messages, Chris shares a collection of unusual and unexplainable experiences, miracles, and communications from the other side that occurred after Christine’s passing. Through these occurrences, he demonstrates how you can pick yourself up after losing a loved one, and he discusses the tools you can use to forge a new beginning through positive changes.

Messages offers a story of hope, love, compassion, and comfort. It sends a wake-up call to open yourself to the possibility of extraordinary happenings that have no explanation.

About the Author

Chris Cullen was born and raised in Bristol, United Kingdom. He has a background in health, fitness, diet and nutrition, massage, and holistic therapy, and his interests include aromatherapy, crystals, the paranormal, spiritual healing, and the mind-body connection. In his free time, Cullen walks in the countryside mediating, or at the seaside kayaking and being immersed in nature.