9 Steps to Cloud 9

The inside guide to making your dreams come true

by Amberli Hartwell

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781982287474
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781982287467
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781982287481

About the Book

Feeling stuck? Like your past is holding you back, but more therapy isn’t the answer?

When life loses meaning, boredom and depression set in. 9 Steps to Cloud 9 helps you break free—not by chasing perfection, but by embracing the messy, beautiful truth of who you are.

What if your dreams aren’t just fantasies, but the key to your ignition? Even if you dont know what yours is, within the journey to realizing them lies a built-in path of personal growth, shaped by your experiences—good, bad, and everything in between.

This little book simplifies the overwhelming world of self-help into a visual reference system you can revisit anytime. Inspired by the symbolism of a hot air balloon, it guides you from feeling lost and deflated to rising with focus and momentum.

Carefully crafted to engage both sides of your brain, it’s deliberately succinct—somewhere you can return to when life isn’t going your way, dip into on the move, or take a deep dive when you’re ready.

Think of it as a friend who gets you, a roadmap to reclaiming your power—without the detours.

Are you ready to Rise?

About the Author

All her life people have asked Amberli “how on earth do you do it?” She reveals her secrets in 9 Steps To Cloud 9; The inside guide to making your dreams come true. Amberli reckons there’s a magic element to dream making that we have been cut off from. She says we have been lead the opposite direction, so by the time we leave school few dare to dream. In place of this magic is overwhelming information overload that’s hard to apply and keep up with. The result is being stuck in the status quo with many others in the same situation, and calling it “normal.” The good news is 9 Steps To Cloud 9 fits around your little pockets of time. It will keep you on track to create your own lightbulb moments as the journey to your dream uncovers sides of yourself you didn’t know existed. Amberli lays out the patterns she has witnessed from observing 25 years of clients breakthroughs, along with her own discoveries, so you can quickly identify where you might be stuck and what you can do about it to make the action you take much more effective. This little book is therefore a powerful visual reference system to be dipped into when life is good and devoured when things aren’t working so well. Encapsulating a rare sensitive balance between the negative and positive aspects of life it has been created to help lead you out of the dark into a lighter more hopeful place, where “impossible” becomes “I’m possible.”