Instead of dealing with a set back with boxing gloves on try this approach instead: To represent the raising of your wavelength, join me on a symbolic journey in a hot air balloon. A hot air balloon rises not through force but through allowance. Like a rhythmic dance, the supportive cooperative process to get it off the ground requires you to adapt moment to moment according to each stage. Similarly life works so much better and is far more fulfilling and exciting when you approach it in this more flexible way.
Let’s face it, a hot air balloon is probably the most impractical form of transport there is, you wouldn’t exactly use it to go shopping! Its’ sole reason for existence is to give the people it carries an incredible experience. Although it may not seem like it sometimes, this is the same as your life; you are here for the journey, rather than to reach a specific destination. As soon as you truly accept your life as a journey, the pressure to produce results releases, so you can make friends with every stage. Ironically, this makes reaching cloud 9 easier!
Make Your Life Less about What Your Eyes See and More About What Your Soul Feels
Step 1 - Defy the Forces Of Gravity
The first step is the hardest .... & the easiest, it challenges and rewires your current perspective; You want your life to work so much and you have been told everywhere you go to get good grades, to be determined no matter what, to compete with others and fight to get to the finish line and above all else, to have a plan, and of course never give up. But even though you have followed the rules, maybe even had some success, you still don’t feel fulfilled INSIDE.
If You Want To Live a renewed life drop what weighs your down
All of this “normal advice” above is low wavelength thinking and ensures you are in your own way. It assumes you are unsupported by unseen divine forces and that it’s all up to you to make something happen, and that isn’t true. The first and pretty much the last step is to drop what weighs you down, to let go of what is sucking you to the ground, making you unable to function. Question the messages you are receiving from outside sources that have you jumping through hoops and feeling stressed, are they working for you? Do you have to accept them? Is there another way?
What do you believe is/are the main causes of you staying on the ground?
At this stage you are not looking for what to do about it, so do not think on a practical level, as that will hinder the flow. This process is a realignment with your truth first before bringing in the practical aspects.
Write down everything that is not working for you or that you think is standing in the way of you making progress. Keep writing until you feel a shift inside – a feeling of relief or up-liftment or an “ahha”. Is there a core truth driving you (like in the fear/wavelength exercise).
If in truth none of that is working for you, then do the opposite of what you are being fed at every corner...
The good news is that when you let go of what you don’t want and start to focus on what you do want, opportunities rush in to meet and greet you. You would not believe how few people actually do this. Even if you do just this and nothing else, your life will change.
There is no doubt that if you know what you want, the (image)
delivery is much faster; but not everyone knows what they
want. In fact the more disillusioned you are by life, the
less you can see beyond what you have. Here’s the great
news though; you don’t have to know exactly what you
want to change your life for the better, because the negative experiences in your life actually contribute to your visions invisible formation on “cloud 9.” This is where your dream waits with its own wavelength for you to align yours with, so it can manifest. So what that means is all of your struggles have not been in vain, they have been channeled into ”cloud 9” by the unconscious desire inside you for your life to be different. Therefore all you need to do is claim what that is and get out of your own way.
In other words, if you have been lonely, then togetherness and love waits for you on cloud 9. If you have been unwell, then wellness and good health waits for you to discover it on cloud 9. If you have been ignored and abused then attention and love waits for you on cloud 9. If you have been miserable then joy waits for you on cloud 9. If you have been in a job you hate then a living you love waits for you on cloud 9. You get the picture?
For this reason the long discussions about how possible or impossible your dream is become irrelevant because there is an inexplicable intelligence woven into that personalised journey to your dreams realization that answer the struggles you have had so far, but not only for the usual reasons of getting away from negativity to positivity.
As a kid you used to use your imagination, but by the time you became an adult you likely learnt only how to use it to worry instead. It’s the same skill but with a different focus; worrying seems to be allowed, but dreaming isn’t. Yet dreaming is such an important part of making a dream come true. Why do we let ourselves worry for hours, days and months, yet when it comes to dreaming we clam up & feel a bit silly? (1002)