Meditation, or more appropriately, discovering the condition of being quiet, profoundly changed
my life. I’ve created The Technology of Quiet (TOQ) because I believe with all my heart and
intellect, that it can change yours, too.
Decades ago, around the time I had my first experience with it, the concept of meditation lacked
credibility in the Western world. Generally, it was believed there was just too much woo-woo
attached to it. You know, the tie-dyed unkempt chanting hippies with their beads and mystic
postulations based on crystals and incense-burning, along with those other personal illegalat-
the-time combustibles. With its hard sciences bias, the West generally saw the practice of
meditation as primitive gospel, and held distain actually, for those “Eastern” mystic philosophies
even if they had thousands of years of evolution. After all, we had gone to the moon.
My, how that view has changed. The Technology of Quiet was developed with an open mind
to the history of meditation, building on that foundation with a strong basis in science. It is the
evolution of meditation, and its purpose is expressed in a declaration to help you—humanity—
uncover your truest selves. Over the millennia, as it turns out, all historical documents have made
it a feature to point out that everyone seeks that discovery, knowingly or not. Now people in
ever larger numbers have become open to the possibilities offered by those Eastern meditation
promises and are actively seeking some inner truth. Sadly, however, it also seems that outside
a persistent few, most people don’t know where to begin to find the promised meaningful,
sustainable benefits.
What if I told you that it’s actually readily available to you? It’s just about developing a few skills
to learn to be quiet. Our only challenge is the impediment presented by our noisy, static-filled
lives. You see, it is in that quiet state where we will recognize, then come to know in our hearts,
a fundamental truth that we are all amazingly capable instruments. You will discover the AWE in
your living. What you need is a little direction and the right tools and techniques to begin to play
that instrument of yours as it was intended. You are about to discover what makes the Technology
of Quiet so powerfully effective—play on.
After nearly 30 years studying with renowned contemplative masters and teachers around the
world, I began growing a community of over 7500 participants who have studied becoming
quiet with me since 2004. What I have called “The Technology of Quiet” is an approach born
from a profound life experience and a realization that we are all built the same—with the same
technology, if you will. We have astonishing capacities beyond our current knowings, but these
are suppressed, unused and latent unless we take the steps to awaken them. Such capacities
are realized only by living, and authentically experiencing these qualities and conditions.
To that end, this book is not merely an intellectual undertaking. Following the latest learning
techniques, I have purposely included a collection of special experiential exercises you will
be sampling which enable you to fully experience all the important TOQ teachings, not just by
reading about them but experiencing them as well. This is the unique TOQ learning method and
in my experience, no other meditative practice approaches this effectiveness.
My assertion is that TOQ is the evolution of meditation.
The Technology of Quiet presents an approach utilizing specific and tested tools and unique
exercises which define and address the intersection of science and spirituality. Together they
represent what is called a Deliberate Practice that effectively demystifies the ancient wisdoms,
so-called energy systems and centers, the human characteristics, and the human spiritual quest.
The TOQ reference material, experiential exercises, and supporting research are science driven.
When your personal experiences are reviewed utilizing the latest scientific learning methods
(note taking, reflection and analysis), they will guide you to recognize your power and what some
may feel compelled to call divinity within. I know this is a profound statement; however, in my
view, it is entirely human and our natural psychology and physiology.
I have also created for you an accompanying TOQ Notebook. It is indispensable in helping
you through the many exercises in this book by providing a place to record your thoughts and
experiences. This assures everything you need is at your fingertips for comments, observations,
analysis and follow-up review, just like a scientist. There is also a link on the TOQ website for
you to connect with fellow travelers in a growing online community.
While a lot of people consider meditation to be associated with a religious tradition, practitioners
will tell you that TOQ is more aptly described as “a way of being, a way of life.” Unlike religion,
TOQ de-emphasizes mere knowledge of doctrine and favors instead direct experience and
evidence, providing insight and understanding into the substance of ourselves. As a result,
you will find yourself experiencing your daily life rather than leaving the questions open and
unanswered or ascribed to some outside entity.
You will find that within these pages there is no belief system or view of life that is taught or
implied. TOQ is a secular, holistically and scientifically-informed approach that operates in
harmony with any belief system or spiritual background. I subscribe heartily to the Dalai Lama
and the comparison he made between religions and meditation on November 12, 2005, while
presenting at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, DC: “… at least
in principle, empirical evidence should triumph over scriptural authority, no matter how deeply
venerated a scripture may be.”
TOQ is modeled on an environment representing compassion and loving kindness and offers
scientifically proven and unique tools and techniques that accelerate the learnings and knowings
of the attentive student.