The Case Suit

by Kelly Anne Manuel

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/11/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9798765232354
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9798765232361

About the Book

“The Case Suit” was born as a poem and remains so in this newly minted Book Seven of Kelly Anne Manuel’s Childhood Classics. In this story the Child is invited on a journey where packing an imaginary suit case brings new meaning and adventure. It is a game for the Child to engage in with “Pretend” as a character who is always available to join them. “The Case Suit” offers a standing invitation to the Child. The Child will be invited to investigate what the narrator chooses to pack and travel with to any destination imagination can create. The destination is open ended so the Child will participate with curiosity and play. The Child has unlimited freedom to decide, dream, and explore, while traveling along with the narrator. The simple words take on new meaning as the illustrations pair perfectly with their presentation. There is a mix of practical and fantastical elements to visually stimulate curiosity. This active engagement in imagination results in a world rich with creativity for the Child. The Child will be ignited with dreamy possibilities as all manner of images leap off the pages. Children are naturally drawn to stories of journey and adventure. This story provides a balance of structure and a springboard for the Child to be a part of the action. It is a game that can be played at any place and time for entertainment and discussion. This is a story that the author hopes will be enjoyed with humor while considering everything the Child can dream of to pack in their own case suit. It is in Early Childhood that futures are being constructed. “The Case Suit” is a tool in a Caregiver’s toolbox to assist with that healthy formation. The idea that practicality can be set aside while ushering in a world of imagination is a theme the author embraces. The Child who reads this book will benefit from the freedom to dream up any destination with all their Case Suit can hold and more.

About the Author

Kelly Anne Manuel is the good kind of contagious. She is an eternal optimist who strives to see the good in all her days and throughout all aspects of her life journey. She has a unique voice that Children respond to because it is characterized by her own actively vibrant Inner Child. Kelly Anne earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Telecommunications with a minor in Spanish from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She spent her early adulthood in a corporate career and then took time off to raise her son Ryan Michael. When she reentered the workforce it was in the Preschool arena that she flourished. When she is not writing her books for Children she spends her time creating stories with paint. Both creative outlets allow her to feel that she is contributing to Children in a greater and broader fashion. She loves to tell stories and Children love to hear them. Know more about her books, visit .