Life, Love and Loss

A journey of strength, resilience and discovery to undrerstand how my belief system had being sabotaging my life till I faced them head on and reinvented myself to be my true authentic self.

by Katy Stevens

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/6/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781982294014
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781982294007

About the Book

Katy tells the story of her family and relationships throughout her life and how the love of her family meant everything to her. She has suffered enormous pain and grief that took her downward into a life of addiction, sadness, and dysfunction to protect and support her daughter. This story is about how Katy pulled herself out of the depths of grief and moved forward, leaving behind the negative, distorted beliefs which her father had embedded in her mind about her, and she discovered her inner strength in working through her painful grief of three miscarriages, deaths of close friends, and then the death of her beloved Alex. Katy tells of the lessons she has learned along the way and the people who have inspired her and supported her to be the amazing woman she is today. Katy's story, from living in Morocco and almost dying at the hands of her mother-in-law, to supporting her close friend dying of Hep C, kidney failure and dialysis, and now inspirationally working with many people as a Cognitive Behavior Therapist and Empowerment Coach and Public Speaker, to help individuals find fulfillment in their own lives.

About the Author

Katy is a single mature woman who has been married three times and lived in many countries where she has had to rebuild her life over and over again. Katy is a mother of an adult daughter and grand mother to four children, three boys and one girl. for many years Katy's friends and family encouraged her to write her story but nothing ever came about until her partner inspired her to wrtie this book as he was dying of stage 4 cancer. It only takes one person to be the guiding light and before his own light faded away he gave her the strength to believe in herself and write her story.