The Theatrics of Success is a unique methodology that guides you on a Journey from the Land of Make Believe to the Land of Make and Believe. Helping you to Believe again in your dreams and in creating the life you desire. Learn to tap into your Inner Life Coach and Unleash Your Potential to be able to Succeed at the steps needed to Achieve. And build your muscles to help you to be able to sustain that life more easily.
If you don’t work, your life won’t work. Stop trying all the methods to get rich, be an entrepreneur, live your dreams and find the love of your life. No matter how good, effective, or right any method might be for you in acquiring your dreams, desires and wants in life; they won’t work unless you work. The Theatrics of Success help you to align, build and implement the right Mindset, Habits, Beliefs, Strategy and Course that is best suited for you to achieve the life you want and the person you need to be to have that life. Because it is designed by you for you.
You can’t be the Hero of your Life if you are spinning wheels and running on the proverbial hamster wheel of life. Nor does it work if you are following somebody else’s dreams and ambitions for you. And it makes things difficult if you believe you can’t find the best way to make things happen and take off in the direction you want. And if your Hero is weighted down by the past, the muscles your Hero currently have won’t be strong enough to lift that weight off. Through the Theatrics of Success, you discover what makes you tic so your life can click best. Write your life script, Direct with Efficient, Act it out with Authenticity, and Produce through Self-leadership the Life you Desire.
Through twenty years of Theater experience as an Actor, Writer, Director and Producer Dean DiNardi has an in-depth comprehension of what makes a character Tic and their life Click within the story that is unfolding as their life. In addition, DiNardi has studied Human Behavior in University, Mythology and through Metaphysics. With his diverse background and knowledge in The Human experience and the Story of Life Dean DiNardi is uniquely suited to help you guide yourself into a Self-Chosen Life of Desire and Build the Muscles needed to sustain that life.
The Theatrics of Success is a roadmap to your True Self Compass or Your Inner Life Coach, guiding you to your Potential. The Theatrical Archetypes offer a paradigm shift into an alternative perception of your-self and your life. Helping you to Write with a Renewed Passion your genuine Life-script, Act with Authenticity the steps needed to succeed by empowering your Hero – Your True Actor Within, Direct with Efficiency and Intention to increase probability, and Produce with Gratitude and Self-Leadership a life that is Self-Determined to support and sustain the life you desire and deserve.