Spiral of the Three Mothers

An Aboriginal Wisdom Guide to the High Holydays

by Rabbi Dr. Gershon Maron Winkler, Rabbi Dr. Miriam Maron & Rabbi Dr. Miriam Ashina Maron

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/18/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781982277529
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781982277512

About the Book

Spiral of the Three Mothers will deepen your understanding of the Three Cycles of the Jewish harvest period, otherwise known as “the High Holydays,” and the relevance of each phase to your personal and collective renewal. The book draws abundantly from the wellspring of ancient and early-medieval Jewish Shamanic and Kabbalistic source texts, is richly foot-noted, and presents the information in a vernacular that will inspire, challenge and enrich readers of all or no cultural/spiritual backgrounds. Spiral of the Three Mothers will introduce you to the lesser-known nuggets of this ancient earth-based tradition that will rekindle your spirit, expand your horizon, and inspire renewed understanding in regard to yourself, your pet parrot, and the sweetness of the chaos around you.

About the Author