The Gentle Art of Listening.
Listening is an Art not a science. I think that we are all agreed on that.
Listening is not given the recognition it deserves. Everywhere we go people, politicians, celebrities, T.V. news presenters and just about anyone that has a point to push is speaking and spruiking at us.
The world has become a more difficult place during the pandemic. Who and what to believe has made us sceptical of just about everything we hear.
I thought it was time for a gentler way to receive.
Gentle listening can be so therapeutic for the soul. Sometimes we do not have the luxury of choosing to listen gently. Today’s world is geared to diverse and relentless messaging no matter where you are or who you are.
This book has been in the making for many moons. It is more appropriate now though as we experience an oversupply of information from sources that we do not even know about. But they found us.
This book is not about questioning the veracity of information that we are bombarded with but more about selecting how we listen and to be more aware of our skills to control how we listen and how to benefit from it.
So, listen up shipmates! If you can gain some insight to your listening style that can make you a better and more effective listener, then we have done something. There may be examples in this book that you can say ‘That’s me’.
Or that’s what I want to achieve.
I have peppered this book with research and experiences. I have also leaned on one of the great orators of modern times who have made us listen and question why we listened.
Everyone can get some benefit from working on The Gentle Art of Listening. Whether it is between two friends, husband and wife or life partners, business meetings, classroom lectures or a casual conversation with a casual acquaintance.
Going for a job interview or during mediation, you can enjoy life better and accomplish more when you listen gently.
I hope you enjoy the read.