What is it that we want to be remembered for? The from – to is the journey, the dash represents all that we have done, travelled through, and how we influence those around us. What is it that we want to be remembered for? Is this altruistic or merely selfish.
I see each individual as a pearl necklace, each piece creates the whole, without each of the pearls we would have an incomplete necklace. The same way each person creates the link, the bind the missing piece, which allows society, families to function.
Many might say that there is a flaw in this, we are human, we are not perfect, yet we are perfect in our imperfection. I know I cannot be perfect, when I was younger and strived for perfection, I found it to be isolating and exhausting, as no one could meet my unexpected standards, and I could not sustain it. It was either change my paradigm or go crazy or simply exhaust myself into an early grave.
Be in the world like you want to be, don’t let other dictate to what is the way of the world, I am not saying that you should be an outlaw, but merely flexible enough to be able to meet society’s need without becoming a pretzel and being so tightly bound up by what others think, that your only thought from dawn to dusk is merely to please others. You will not be liked by everyone you meet, but treat others as you wish to be treated, with kindness and compassion. It’s like a willow, or even a crazy willow, that bends and flows, yet strong and flexible without breaking.
Change, such a small word yet it has such an enormous impact in our everyday lives. We have change management, change up, change maker, short-change, the change we wish to discuss is the type that makes the difference. A difference in the direction we wish for our lives and thoughts to take. We are all born equal, we all die equal. We come into this world the same way, the difference is in what we do and how we do it. We are not born with a manual nor a road map, or are we? We are all similar but different, we are each a pearl in a necklace, without the ‘I’ we would have an incomplete necklace.
For me when I hear the word change, it conjures up thoughts of an overused and misused manipulation to achieve some sort of an outcome. if someone can’t explain a why, for example why is the planet in such a psychological turmoil, the reasoning appears to be, these are the changes that are required in order to be able to develop and move to the next stage. Wow that sounds so profound, yet these words say absolutely nothing. we are bombarded with words, do’s and don’ts. If we follow a specific recipe, we can change a few ingredients into a magnificent meal, however, there also appears to be magic formulas, which when adhered to, to the letter, will allow our life to become the life we want to have, the life we believe we deserve and expect to have.
We are given long list of fail-safe, easy way to make changes to our life, to our routine, to our body, to our mind, an endless barrage via media, schools, government, workplaces, and it’s just tiring. I have heard so many times, I did exactly what they told me, it works for a few weeks then it stopped. Or it was so boring, or difficult, I just couldn’t stick to it anymore and stopped and the work I did was for naught, as it made no change at all.
There is no magic pill, there is no specific food, no set exercise, no groups, nor sets of friends that will give you the easy, straight forward path to achieving the change you seek or desire. The other facet to this thinking, is that you come into this picture, and bring about a whole new set of variables, which when added to a logarithm, will only create a more complex solution. Once you achieved the change, you may well see those around you in a different light. This is common, and yet it is unexplained as to why this happens, it is merely put down to a change. But the psychologist and scientist have an explanation which will get to.
Hard work, diligence, support, friendship, laughter, tears, changes in your paradigm, friends or family may just be key to success. The real work starts with you,