Today, although books of the dead are still available to us, it is difficult for the majority of people in the occidental world to relate to them, understand them, and use them properly. Therefore, the purpose of the teachings in this book is to provide accessible information about the process of death, the journey of the human soul, and the cycles of life, death, intermission, and reincarnation. Thus, individuals will have less fear of death, will make the subject no longer a taboo, and will be able to better prepare for the inevitable stages of their evolution.
Death is the process by which an individual soul departs, leaving behind its outer garment of flesh (the physical body) and eventually, also the lower subtle bodies (emotional and lower mental bodies), and moves from one realm of existence to another. This may happen either unconsciously or consciously. Death implies nothing more than losing the three lower vehicles of consciousness which we carry only for a while, during each living experience on Earth, and which are not who we really are at a deeper level.
Death is an interlude that provides the possibilities for reflection, assessment, integration, and renovation, prior to the undertaking of a new life period on the outer world, or reincarnation.
Mastery of the art of dying is accomplished when the individual is capable of consciously and wisely returning the lower bodies and the soul to their respective sources on due time.
What we call death is only part of a continuum of life. Both, birth and death are intertwined and parts of a process of spiritual evolution.
We are not the appearance of the physical body. Our true identity lies beyond the material form. We are pure spirit and consciousness which animates our body, is the master of the body, and is eternal.
Fears, doubts, and anxiety prevent us from really living. When we eliminate our fear of death, we truly experience freedom and well-being. As we clear our minds from past conditioning and begin to better understand the process of dying and the concept of other dimensions, we gain a new attitude toward the great transition we call death that incorporates acceptance, peace, and joy.
The situations and the character of the afterlife conditions and even of the next terrestrial life are strongly linked to the very moment of death in the previous life. Thus the quality of the moment of death has tremendous importance due to the fact that it brings the possibility for growth in consciousness toward awareness of our unity with God and even for enlightenment.
The whole process of death comprises four different stages:
1) Preliminary stage, prior to the moment of death.
2) Restoration stage, the moment of death.
3) Shedding stage, immediately following the moment of death.
4) Assimilation stage, later on the journey through the inner worlds.
The last two stages (three and four) take pace during the intermission between two planetary life periods.
Reincarnation is a natural law related to nature and the design of evolution. For the soul to experience the denser material plane of existence, embodiment of a physical body is necessary. The purpose of being in a physical body is to learn and achieve total mastery of energy, and understand the underlying spiritual force. The main test for souls coming to planetary life on Earth is to overcome negative emotions connected to the fear and pain that is experienced while being in a physical body. This enormous task is impossible to attain in the short span of one planetary life, hence the need for reincarnation.
How we experience the process of death reflects our habitual tendencies during physical life, whether they are positive or negative in nature. To be well prepared for the transition of death we must modify our attitude to living and thus, also to death.
To be ready for a "good death" while still living, we must do the following:
-Prepare practically
-Prepare mentally
-Prepare emotionally and morally
-Dream work
-Spiritual practices
-Breathing exercises
-Visualization exercises
-Creative imagination exercises
-Practice of the moment of death
Dreaming happens at a level of mind that is beyond the control of the conscious aspect and it is an experience shared by all human beings without exceptions.
Dreams represent real occurrences within other realms of existence than our physical dimension. Through dreaming we encounter a multi-dimensional world, in a different state of consciousness. We may say that while dreaming we cross a doorway toward spiritual adventures, connection with the entire cosmos, and contact with our higher Self; all with meaning and purpose. The dreaming state can be compared, in certain ways, to the states of meditation and post physical death. Thus, dreams can give us an idea of what to anticipate for the time after we die.
Dreams are, in reality, a source of guidance, inspiration, knowledge and prophesy. Every single dream give us the chance for spiritual growth and healing.
Dreams may arise from any level of the mind and they reflect to us all aspects of our life, including feelings related to incomplete parts of ourselves, or to unfinished business in relationships with others that we need to face and work on in our daily life. Dreams represent the activity of the soul that is utilizing a bio-plasmic energy body in the astral and mental dimensions.
Paying attention to and working with our dreams is of a tremendous value as an aid or tool to be used in the process of developing self-knowledge and spiritual growth.
The different possibilities we have for working with dreams are:
1) Natural flow analysis
2) Using aids such as:
-Guided meditation
-Deep meditation
-Dream programming
-Stones and crystals
-Colors, mandalas and symbols
-Fragrances and essential oils
-Setting favorably the room
-Sacred sleeping
-Clarification technique
-Conscious dreaming technique which encompasses: Dream re-entry, entry to a new place, and dream re-enactment (re-living the dream).
The ultimate goals of dream practice are to achieve lucid dreaming ("Dream yoga") and eventually that which is called "Sleep yoga."