Lead me from dreaming to waking.
Lead me from opacity to clarity.
Lead me from the complicated to the simple.
Lead me from the obscure to the obvious.
Lead me from intention to attention.
Lead me from what I’m told I am to what I see I am.
Lead me from confrontation to wide openness.
Lead me to the Place I never left,
where there is peace.
The Upanishads
I was talking to a friend from the UK on the phone. I forget what exactly we were talking about at the time but all of a sudden she asked me, “What are you feeling right now?” Surprised, I responded, “What do you mean?” Nothing came to mind. I was focused on our conversation instead. She said, “Well, let me tell you what I am feeling. I feel pressure in the back of the head. I feel energy in the neck. I feel tension in the right thigh.” Wow, that was surprising. There was in fact an energy running through my head. There also was that bubbly feeling in the neck area that I so often experience. I was also sitting crossed-legged, so there was indeed pressure on my right thigh! It was only when she mentioned it that I became aware of these sensations.
How can we account for these phenomena? How can someone sitting 3,000 miles away without any visual contact tell her counterpart how his body feels? It’s quite simple actually. We are One! We all have access to these metaphysical perceptions like my friend from the UK did during our conversation. Anyone who tunes into the prevailing Oneness can have metaphysical experiences like that. Anyone who awakens from our narrow self-identification, from our mundane existence of competition, egoism and robotic nature, can do so, and the amazing world of
S erenity
E nergy
L ove
F low
awaits. Our S-E-L-F is always where our illusionary s-e-l-f—selfishness, envy, loneliness, frustration, to name just a few attributions of the misplaced “me, myself and I” identification—ceases to be. I proved that to myself while working in a fairly competitive and stressful workplace and experienced a magical ride over a time span of ten years. I lived my spiritual truths while reaching new professional heights at the same time. If we can experience S-E-L-F in such an environment, it should be possible to accomplish this feat in all areas of our lives. I believe that everyone who signs up for an awakening journey can get to that stage. A spiritual quest has some very concrete and mind-blowing perks.
Can we consciously break free from our self though? Can we jump over our own shadow? Not really but we can slip into a higher dimension of being where this illusionary self ceases to be. We can awaken from our illusionary self! Actually, it’s the other way around, our spiritual being is the natural state and we can always return to it. We can—momentarily at least—step out of our own agenda, the fears, and the many inner drives. We can leave behind what we are not, the conditioning and the painful past we carry around. We can step out of an energy field of “me, myself and I”, and once we do, a new world opens up. We can do that here and now in the magnificence of the moment and in the stillness of our being. On the outside, our self-identification takes a step back when we stumble on a new world of seemingly magical connections. Our overactive minds are wowed into silence and the fears and agendas suddenly lose all importance because what we see and experience is way too fascinating to put our own personal spin on it. On the inside, our vibrations increase naturally when we get still. This increase of our heart-center vibrations is part of the expanding kundalini energy that we will discuss in this book. “Breaking Free” aims to reconnect you with this higher dimension of being, at home, at work, in the silence of your own being; everywhere really.
“I Am That I Am” manifests differently for all of us but serenity, love and mind-blowing metaphysical experiences are all hallmarks of the blissful state. My friend from the UK experienced a unitive state when she talked to me on the phone that day. She was as much in touch with my body as she was with hers, 3000 miles apart. People tuned in spiritually have these metaphysical experiences all the time and this book will share many examples of the group of friends I have interviewed. Moments when we experience Oneness are countless and they happen to all of us. Maybe you have experienced an aha moment when you suddenly understand your own agenda and sidestepped it because that’s what the here and now invited you to do. Then, amazingly, even without an agenda the end result of the interaction with others turned out to be extremely fulfilling, and more so than your little self could ever have surmised. That’s the state of Grace that is always available to all of us.
We awaken from our illusionary self on the inside when we are connected to our heart energy. We are S-E-L-F on the outside when life simply flows through us. Just like a prism, we channel the light without being in the way but coloring the environment with our authentic presence, our true color so to speak. Every person has a unique energy signature and big part of the spiritual quest is to create our little garden of fulfillment, love and serenity that allows us to be who we are. Initially we try to create that garden consciously and life tends to interfere with our plans occasionally, but soon we realize that life creates this garden for us. All we have to do is to show up and, well, be!
Everyone who starts asking spiritual questions is invited to join. My awakening started in 2008 and I observe happily that many more newcomers are joining these days. Everyone is called to join and all it takes is a shift in perspective and the higher dimension of being is ready to rush to our side. I used to have an elitist mindset and figured that some of us are simply born to experience this awakening experience, but a client showed me that everyone who asks spiritual questions is called to join this higher dimension of being. He requested a couple of chats to better understand the spiritual world his partner lived in. Yet, the moment he started asking his own questions, a new world appeared to him as well. On a trip to Germany—to my hometown of all places, in Berlin—he experienced incredible synchronicities. He was riding exactly the same ascension wave that I had enjoyed in 2008. Everyone is called, and the moment you start asking for guidance, it opens up.
“Breaking Free” is the third book in a series that aims to provide an ascension manual for spiritual newcomers who are embarking on a quest of leaving the illusionary self behind. My first book, “The Magnificent Experiment” shares the excitement when a new world beyond my wildest imagination opened up to me. Its sequel, “The Way of the Meister” offers a bit more seasoned perspective and aims to help the reader integrate the newly found world with the old one. This book is the boldest of the three, claiming that leaving this twilight zone of bipolar existence is just a step away. ‘Breaking Free’ also provides a new feature to make this book more relevant for your specific awakening quest. Our experience of this awakening is bound to differ so besides reflecting on my own breaking free observations, I also reached out to 41 long standing spiritual friends and asked them to share their journeys. Our combined insights should provide many of the answers that you are looking for. We may be all on idiosyncratic paths but we all reach the same destination in the end.
Are you ready to break free?