How to Survive and Succeed as a Musician

Reflections on the journey in a world of business

by Joy A Simons Brown

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/21/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9798765233597
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9798765233580
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9798765233573

About the Book

‘How to Survive as a musician’ looks at musicians over the ages, how they are perceived and how the world responds to them. It discusses the impact of business on their existence and, from a personal viewpoint, shares many of the questions that arise along the journey. It highlights the challenges to the value of the musician’s creativity and the quality of his output as artificial intelligence attempts to drive people’s choices. This easy-to read handbook looks at the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic which impacted musicians in a huge way and identifies the lessons that ought to have been learned from the experience. Finally, it looks at new opportunities, and recommends paths of thought, attitude and action the musician could take to improve the quality of his life, and prepare him for future change, so that he can survive and prosper.

About the Author

Joy A Simons Brown is a songwriter, composer, band leader and director of vocal groups. She lives in Jamaica, teaches vocal and instrumental skills and collaborates with musicians internationally on various projects. With expertise in instruction and musical experience she found a place as a judge on the television series All Together Sing, aired on Television Jamaica in September each year. She has authored: • The Joy of Knowing • Mathematics For Life • Sing and Play the Jamaican Way • Twenty, Thirty, Forty years old and counting After teaching math for six years, Joy worked in business, negotiating and administering employee benefits for over a hundred companies. Twelve years later, she left to fulfill her deepest desire, that of pursuing music full - time. She never regretted that decision, but after discovering ‘survival’ challenges faced by the average musician, she decided to write this book offering a unique perspective on aspects of this life that are hardly understood nor addressed.