Surprises for Cookie the Chookie

by Lorraine Barrett

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/30/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781504322515
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781504322522

About the Book

We all love surprises. This is a story about Cookie the Chookie who loved surpries too. Her daily surprises of finding a worm, seeing the egg she laid, and enjoying Sam's visits when he brought her a milk thistles were all good surprises. However she wished for another kind of surprise. She wanted to have some baby chickens. Sometimes we have to wait a while for our wishes to come true. Cookie, just like us, had to wait for her best surprise to happen. How long did she have to wait? It was worth the wait when her beautiful fluffy chickens hatched.

About the Author

I am a retired nurse who has now turned to writing children's books. I live in rural environment which provides me with endless sources of inspiration for children's stories. I am inspired by the children's joy in the simple stories of nature, of animals and bird life. I hope the seeds planted in these early years through story telling, continue to grow and give lasting pleasure and understanding of our environment.