Words Choose Wisely
Book Details
About the Book
Words Choose Wisely written in French, English and Spanish addressing the Global issue of bullying which starts at home in an environment of domestic conflict in an exchange of words which children are watching, listening. The idea that words alone can leave greater bruises that you carry with you so you need to choose your words wisely.
About the Author
Her Love of Language gave her the opportunity to express it in English French and Spanish. The book came about having been subjected to a sophisticated chipping away of my confidence, under the guise of questions and suggestions having my children see the weight of the simplest words and control to diminish and question my role as a mother, contributing to feeling worthless, powerless. No physical bruises, but critical nonetheless. Despair does not discriminate intelligence, education, social status. Millions of women, children are in these situations and worse and it begins at home where it is modelled to children. To sons to question, interrogate, diminish. To daughters to feel that this is ok. What we say to our children. Just using words. The power of words should never be underestimated no matter what language they are in. Bullying Starts at home.