
Finding the Key to Perfect Forgiveness

by Jess Echeverry, With Patti Maguire Armstrong & Foreword by Teresa Tomeo

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781982249168
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781982249175
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781982249182

About the Book

Everyone needs to heal from something. We all have brokenness. Some of us don’t even recognize our wounds for what they are; the things we flaunt only hide what we fail to acknowledge. When the wounds finally do get uncovered, the pain intensifies and we want to get beyond the discomfort as soon as possible. We desire to live a normal, happy life and not to be held captive by our past. We’re told forgiveness is the key. Perhaps we know that already. We may even believe it. But do we know what perfect forgiveness actually is? The world offers a version of forgiveness whose goal is to unload our burdens so we can feel better and ‘move on’. Once we attain this level, we’re allowed to be happy. But this book suggests something radically different: the world’s version of forgiveness is sadly incomplete. It’s unfinished. Only through the transformative power of our wounds themselves, can the fullness of perfect forgiveness be attained.

About the Author

Jess Echeverry is a speaker, author and advocate for women and their families. As a survivor of parental divorce and alcoholism, as well as emotional, physical and sexual abuse, by her early 20s she had experienced dark periods of violence, teenage pregnancy, poverty, homelessness, abortion, same sex attraction and attempted suicide. But at 24, she met a man she would eventually marry. This man would slowly help her learn about authentic love, enabling a healing journey, a relationship with God and her forgiveness of, and eventual love for, her past abusers. Inspired by the good things God has wrought in her life, Jess now travels the world through her Mommaletics ministry (www.mommaletics.com) sharing her testimony in a way that lifts up and enlightens those who are searching for ways to heal, and touches all regardless of their individual backgrounds. She is a powerful speaker, a strong advocate and a relatable writer who has been able to, with the help of God’s grace, turn past trauma and experiences into real, transformative love for others. A native of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Jess and her husband currently live in Los Angeles, CA and have 5 children: 2 teens at home, 2 adults in the world, 1 lovely soul in heaven... and 2 English Bulldogs! In addition to her advocacy work, Jess is the Founder and Executive Director of SOFESA (www.sofesa.org), a 501c(3) non-profit ministry dedicated to serving Southern California homeless and low-income children and their families since 1999.