Now, as I am sitting here at my kitchen table finishing this book, another memory comes to mind that I think I should mention. Some years back, I was sitting on the couch, suddenly I said to my husband that I was going to visit with a friend of ours. I never go there; in fact, it was the first time I had seen the place, simply because usually everyone would come to our house to visit. We used to get a lot of visitors. Anyhow, I went and visited my friend, then stopped to say hi to her husband on the road as I was leaving their neighborhood and turning onto the main street. I turned right, and as I was passing this street, a little girl about the age of two or three came running out onto the sidewalk of the busy road. She was wearing a T-shirt and a diaper.
I sped and pulled into the next street, threw the truck into park, and ran as fast as I could back to the little girl. I didn’t want to scare her away, so I was really nice and managed to get a hold of her and started knocking on all the doors to find her parents. My heart was racing, and I was terrified for this child, as she could have been hit by a car! As I was knocking on the doors, and no one was answering, which was making me even more scared, I heard a man’s voice calling a little girl’s name. I ran to him, and you could tell he was mad, so without thinking, I pulled her back before he could take her and said “She’s all right. She’s okay. Thank God!” and handed him his child. He took her and walked away without saying a word. I turned around, and as I was walking away, he said to the child, “Tell the lady thank you, bye-bye.”
I was shaking as I walked back to my truck, thinking of what could have happened and a little worried that her father was so mad at her. She was so cute and so sweet. So I got into my truck and turned on the ignition to leave, and the song “Woodstock” by Crosby Stills and Nash came on the radio. I bawled my eyes out for a good fifteen minutes! How does this happen? The first lines are: “I came upon a child of God, he was walking along the road, and asked him tell me where are you going? And this he told me....”