A Parent’s Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids

by Gail A. Cassidy

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/9/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781982253165
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781982253158

About the Book

The desire of every parent is to have a happy, confident child. This book provides a Framework for parents to follow, a Framework which encompasses every family’s ethnic, religious, and racial background. Parent mentoring guidelines are included in order to help parents maximize their child’s potential while providing him/her acceptance and motivation. Raising a child is never easy and cannot be done perfectly. Children enter this world with their own personalities, their own uniqueness. Although there is no one-size-fits-all formula for raising children, this Framework that will make parenting easier and more enjoyable with the result being a more confident child. Times have changed rapidly and drastically in recent years due to technology and science. What has not changed is human nature. A smile feels good while a frown is uncomfortable. How a person stands, talks, reacts are what readers can become aware of as each element of the Framework is covered. A variety of fun exercises are included in each chapter so parents and children can learn in an enjoyable environment. Children live up to what they believe they can do. Even adults are limited or motivated by their own self-beliefs. Mastering the elements of the Frame provides every child the opportunity to be the best that they can be.

About the Author

A personal coach since the late 90’s and founder of Tomlyn Publications, Gail Cassidy started her career as a high school English teacher, worked for IBM as an instructor/manager/writer where she received the prestigious “Outstanding Contribution" award for her self-paced training program that was used world-wide. She then worked for an International training organization as an instructor and manager of instruction. She has written over 20 books related to education and personal development skills. Her current focus is on providing training for students and parents that enables a child to maximize his/her potential and guarantees acceptance and validation for every child. As a result of her many years of volunteer work in her community, Gail was recently inducted into her town’s Hall of Fame.