Past Lives That Matter

How to remember, Heal and Transform them

by Isisi Allthings

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/27/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9798765236130
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9798765236123

About the Book

As a dawning understanding emerged slowly into view, Rose began to see her life experiences through a more compassionate lens. It became necessary for her to fully forgive and release any trauma she still clung on to from her past, but not only from this present lifetime. Her ever more mysterious life path began to lead her along a metaphysical pilgrimage into other past lives and experiences not belonging solely to her current one, but strangely inter-linked.

What she discovered about her conscious reality, began to metamorphose into a realisation that she is not a lone figure in the tapestry of experiences that she wove over the centuries. Stitch by stitch, she imagined a far greater picture with others joining her along the way, on a special past life pilgrimage. As she stood back and observed it from afar, as an artist would a painting, it seemed that all the unrelated knots and ties came together as a beautiful whole.

Along The Way, she learned how her challenges had shaped her destiny over and over again, down through history. Some experiences taught her painful lessons and others brought her unimaginable gifts but everyone she includes in this jigsaw of a tale, seemed to play a unique and important part to the overview of life that was emerging.

In this second book, she traces each character’s life learnings and mysterious self-discoveries in order to understand how each piece of the jigsaw fits with hers and what she can share with others keen to understand the same. Although a personal journey, it took on a spiritual nature of a very different kind, leading to some exciting revelations about the magic we can each weave.

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About the Author

Isisi Allthings is an English author, this being her second book. Having initially written about her narrow escape from a cult-like Christian fundamentalist religion, she now develops her own understanding of the more mystical side of life for her readers. Having found the freedom and courage to tell of the undue influence and her previous paradigm shift to a new way of life, she now relates her personal realisations of an altogether more individual belief system, since she left.

As the years unfolded, she found her voice in a literal sense as a vocalist and creator of music and song. In latter years as her self-belief and creativity strengthened, she developed into a fascinating story teller. Her observations were spun into a thread of mythical tales, with a need to be told.

In her self-work she developed metaphysical ideas about the true nature of reality. These personal discoveries led along a pathway to a much more unusual but wholly authentic perception of life’s mysteries and purpose. In more recent years, it began to include those of her loved ones, some of whom she had seemingly left behind her forever. Strangely they still seemed to play an important part in what she was to discover and is now willing to share, as she emerges from her Hermit phase and courageously takes her place on the Stage of Life.