Bring out the Creator in You

Just Nail It

by Julie Chatlani Belani

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/23/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781982249298
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781982253479
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781982249304

About the Book

I believe you are ready to tap into your internal GPS (Creator), and that is why you picked me. I believe that, once you have read through me, you will have: --Greater Clarity --Greater Vision --Greater Choices --More Abundance --More Confidence --More Energy --More Happiness --A sense of Peace --More Love Nothing will be able to stop you from being the Best Version Of Yourself. That is my purpose of this book A few years ago, I had fallen into depression, lost myself, was not living my fullest potential as a result not being able to be the best version of me. During those years, I was most unfulfilled in many areas of my life. I was living in fear, I felt completely disconnected from God, the Universe, the Creator at that time. There is a lot of power in what you believe. It doesn't matter whether that belief is working for or against you. What you believe is real, is real. If you feel now is the time to change your beliefs, take me home, and I promise it would take you where you deserve to be. Live a life of Abundance, Confidence, and Energy. ACE your own RACE of Life. "Change is constant and inevitable, but personal growth is a choice." Bob Proctor

About the Author