This book would never have existed if I hadn't:
• Lost myself
• Felt the emotions related to being stuck
• Felt my life was far away from what I’d expected it to be
• Cried myself to sleep
• Felt unloved and unappreciated
• Stopped loving and honoring myself
• Allowed others to walk over me
• Found courage
• Found positivity
• Stepped out of my box of expectations
• Looked for a solution
• Invested in myself
It has been a while since I started looking back into my past; I have come out of it feeling Abundant, Confident, and Energized.
However, as I am getting into the birth of Just Nail It, Bring Out the Creator in You, I want to share and honor my past. Without my past, I wouldn't know possibility like I know possibility today. Without my past, I wouldn't have the compassion I have today, for people who find themselves in a place or a space they don't want to be in.
As this book unfolds itself to you, you will see and feel possibility in every situation. You will be equipped with tools and techniques to transform your challenges into your blessings.
Through the flow of my words, I want to reach that part of you that knows and believes in something greater than you. I want to reach that part of you that is enlightened, but perhaps you haven't been able to hear those words of enlightenment loud enough because you have been focusing more on the noise around you.
A few years ago, I was the woman who found herself caged in a cocoon. As I look back today, I realize I focused so much on the cage and the limitations that I never saw the possibility of breaking through the cocoon and feeling that sense of freedom. Are you wondering what sense of freedom I am referring to?
The sense of freedom that a butterfly feels when it bursts through, transformed—the butterfly who was once a caterpillar and found itself deformed in its cocoon. I believe, in that helpless and dark period, the butterfly could never have imagined the possibility of transforming into a beautiful butterfly. Just imagine a butterfly looking into its past. Wouldn't its own past be enough to enlighten, to awaken, and to empower the butterfly?
Sometimes, when you are in a situation, circumstance, and/or environment where you find yourself stuck, you are never really stuck, you are simply living in fear and contracting yourself to fit into that cage. If only you dared to push through that glass ceiling—though you might bleed or go through some discomfort—eventually, you would be in bliss. When you find yourself on the other side, you find abundance, confidence, and energy. These elements have always been with you; you had simply locked all your potential up and kept it buried inside you, so neither the world nor you could see it.
Are you choosing who you want to be? Or is someone else deciding who you should be? It all starts from your identity. Who are you now? Who do you want to be? Start thinking, feeling, and acting like the person you want to be. Before you know it, when you look back into your past, you yourself will be amazed at how far you have come. And that truth will enlighten, awaken, and empower you on a whole new level. That will be the beginning of a whole new chapter in your life, because it is then that you will see life with a new pair of lenses. Your perception of life will change. And isn't your perception your reality today? So, when your perception changes, so will your life, right?
Most of us feel we have to change our environment, our family, our spouse, our house, our boss, our circumstances, our situation, and because it all seems impossible at that point in time, we end up claiming we are stuck.
I didn't change anything outside of me, even though I tried and tried—years went by, and there were some small changes, but I still didn't have the life and the freedom I always thought were my birth rights.
It was only when I accepted everything and everyone around me for what and who they were, and I focused on who I had become and who I wanted to be, that my world changed. If I had known all along that all I had to do was focus on what I wanted and turn down the noise and the volume of what everyone else wanted and I would achieve everything I could imagine, I would have saved myself years of heartache and pain. But then, I wouldn't be able to share this gift with you, and I wouldn't be who I am today. So, I cherish and hold my past close to my heart with a lot of love, as without it, I wouldn't be me.
And it was when I shifted my focus with continued love for my surroundings that changed everyone around me. When you raise your frequency, you are infectious. It not only benefits you, but also the people around you. Like the saying, "What you resist, persists." I stopped resisting; I simply flowed like water in the direction of my path.
If you claim to be stuck, that is what you will reclaim. If you claim to be free, that is what you will reclaim, too. I know this may not make sense to you now, but as you delve deeper into the chapters, your perception will change and so will your life!
I say this with a lot of confidence because I have designed the coming chapters for you to face and accept your life for what it is and to look at your life from an angle that you may have missed before. And, as you already know, as your perception shifts, so will your life.