flor ~ a ~ muse

by B. Monét & Z. Rose

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781982253189
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781982253196

About the Book

Grow your expressions through floral analogies. Challenge your perspective. Be mindful while reading, to enlight your spirt and free your soul. Relate your feelings to the root system built within yourself. Dig deep and enjoy!

About the Author

i am a red Rose temptation runs through me that is not all to me i have thorns on my shell i am complicated tears run through me that’s not all to me i have petals as my layers i am protected i am your red Rose -Z. Rose About The golden hour glistening through the clear sky makes me shine so bright over the valley a secret garden blooms high towering over green grass the poppy sways free blissful to a tune a solo performance glows independently to show themselves to the world yet unknowingly showing us each a unique pattern - B. Monét