Be Free Here & Now

The Art of Universal Living

by Catherine Allon

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/3/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781982243630
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781982243647
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781982243623

About the Book

Scientists have shown how trends in behavior take hold of a population and spread like wildfire when a certain number of people subscribe to a new behavior. Like the popularity of the hula hoop in the 60s, and the cell phone in recent years. Today increases in yoga and meditation practices in many communities are also showing a trend. That is the promise for self-realization and living in the present moment. The Author discusses how in overcoming challenges, embracing higher energy levels and engaging in heightening awareness, people become happier and more balanced. Individually their lives are more free and fulfilling. As a population, communities of aware people will raise the Earth’s vibrational energies, bringing about world healing and world peace. An insightful book with excellent suggestions for becoming self-aware, and creating world peace. Readers will most appreciate her conversational narrative style and easy-to-follow steps.

About the Author

Catherine Allon, BSc., MEd., is a Spiritual Counselor and Consultant for over 20 years. In 1998, while in Los Angeles California, her life changed dramatically as she became self-realized through a process called Radical Awakening. She walked out of that session into the light of day with her senses heightened, her mind still, and felt as though she was connected with nature and all around her. Returning to Toronto, she decided to leave her well-paid and much loved position to help bring more awareness to the world. As a Spiritual Counselor her goal is to help awaken people who are depressed trapped or stuck in their lives or those who are seekers and meditators. When people become more aware, they are able to follow their passion and live a life of greater success, happiness and fulfillment. As a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher since 2000, she has been teaching yoga classes in recreation and community centres and YMCAs. Before her awakening from 1990-98, she worked as a Project Consultant at the Ministry of Health with community groups and government funded agencies. In her last four years, there she served as a Consultant to CEOs for over 45 Mental Health and Addictions Treatment agencies.