Anxiety and depression can wreak havoc on your personal, professional, and social life if it goes untreated for an extended time. Many people try their best to ignore the symptoms thinking they will get better after a specific situation is over or when they finally get out of a particular circumstance that has triggered them into feelings or reactions of anxiety or depression. By the time that most people seek help for these problems, it’s often out of their control and has taken over their lives. Once this happens, the battle can become fierce and often very painful for them and all who are involved in their life. It becomes a downward spiral that can lead to despair and a distorted perception of reality that entails hopelessness and helplessness for the individual.
Whether you suffer from one of the many forms of anxiety such as general anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia, or even OCD, you CAN live a normal, healthy life. The same applies to depression. Time and time again, I watch people become free from these debilitating conditions and begin living their lives with passion, purpose, peace, and freedom. Everybody gets knocked down in life and catches bad breaks here and there. That’s life! It happens to all of us, and some more than others. You or someone you know may be one of those who have been knocked down by life and can’t seem to find their way back to solid ground long enough to get back up. I’m here to tell you, you can, and it’s time to get back up. When working on these issues in the conscious and subconscious mind, incorporating these philosophies, and utilizing specific psychological tools, the result of relief can be permanent and often much faster than medications.
As we have made great advances in the fields of psychology and science, as well as the development of new technologies that allow us to measure the effects and power of the mind, we have begun to more fully understand the impact our thought patterns and belief systems have on the situations and circumstances we experience in our lives. We have learned that they are responsible for many of the experiences we create and have in our lives. Many people try to incorporate affirmations or other daily practices such as visualization in hopes to influence their minds to produce the things and experiences they desire to have. However, most people are not very effective in producing the profound effects they desire and work so hard to create. The primary reason for this is because of the limiting beliefs that overpower the new input.
One of the most crucial understandings to know about healing and overcoming anxiety and depression is that you must become someone different or a different version of yourself that produces different results. You will still be you, just a better and more effective version of you. This will only happen through training your mind to think and act differently to help you gain a new perspective, create new thought patterns, and install new belief systems in the subconscious mind that allow you to begin living your life from a place of empowerment.
Throughout my years of helping people overcome anxiety and depression, I have learned the most powerful way to do this is through knowledge, understanding, and practicality. I have found my clients’ results are much more effective, long-lasting, and more practical when they understand what they are going through and why these things are happening to them. It’s like the old proverb, “give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.” My job is not to help people, but to empower them to help themselves. Teaching them how to do it for themselves is when the healing can begin to happen. Many people do their best to fight anxiety and depression, but typically fail to get them under control. The first step in overcoming anxiety and depression is to learn about and begin to understand how the mind works, which will help you more fully understand the concepts and teachings in this book and why each is so important to implement to overcome them once and for all. Part I is designed to teach and empower you with this knowledge and understanding. Since you will be working with your mind to overcome anxiety and depression, you must know and understand how the mind works. This is where most people fall short in their journey to healing. In Part II, I will teach you how to create and lay a new foundation in your mind that will support the new programs that can eradicate anxiety and depression from your life. Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Applying the philosophies I teach in this book will allow you to transform your life from pain and suffering, to peace and power. In Part III, you will learn the tools and techniques I teach and use to help people successfully reprogram their subconscious mind and take back control of their life. Once you learn these tools and techniques, and become fluent with them, you will experience powerful growth and transformation in your life.