Now! Let me turn your attention to the dynamics of God’s creation. You are about to hear somethings you may have never heard. It is not this writer’s intent for you to read this book so that you can agree with me or that you may be entertained. I am not focused on how to make this book an easy read. However, my heart’s desire is for you to consider this as you’re being challenged to take a step up to another level in the Lord, a learning opportunity. Oh! How I yearn for the opportunity to help people to learn to hear directly from God. That is why you should read this book in its entirety and then go back and study it. Don’t let your preconceived ideas about God or the bible discourage you from persevering through this reading. It is this writer’s prayer that the reader; that’s you my friend, would read this entire book in the first session. This will help you to get the whole perspective of the writer before others can get a chance to influence you negatively according to their own prejudices. If you believe that you are truly secured in God, then reading fresh revelations of God should be inviting and exciting to you. That is why I like when you pick up this book to read it, you would find it so intriguing that you will read to its completion. Routine ministry has taken you as far as it can; I implore you, let God take you the rest of the way this is God’s original intent. Read, Study, Meditate and learn with God at the helm. God sees you seated with Christ in heavenly places. That translates to Jesus the Christ seated at the right hand of the father and those of us that are God’s elect, literally seated at the right hand of Jesus. Glory is to God.
We are Spirit Beings:
If we were to view ourselves in a mirror we would see a physical or flesh person. If we're to ponder who we are on the inside; we might discover that we are Spirit Beings. Our physical self is just a shell/home to house our spirit and our soul. This is usually evident when we are faced with our own death or the death of loved ones. We are faced with a question, Where will we spend eternity as our spirit cannot die but our physical body does die?
The answer to where we shall spend eternity can only come from the one who made all the rules for living, our Creator God. We must cultivate a way to communicate with God to build a personal relationship with Him as we are living now because when we expire, communication as we know it will cease to exist. Therefore, the opportunity to continue a relationship in eternity would be lost forever. The right language is necessary to have dialog in fellowship. God's language is the Bible. If you have no language, communication, or fellowship, you will not have eternal life with God. How does a person link with God who is Spirit? (God is a Spirit John 4:24) When we as humans see pictures of people we see flesh, blood and bones. We were never taught to see that which was put inside the flesh and bones to make it come alive. If we had grown-up seeing the inner workings of what makes the flesh and bones live, we would readily see that God sustains living of the flesh by His Holy Spirit, and through the “Spirit Man” who God created in His image. Hence, we would be more prone to see ourselves as we really are “Spirit Beings”. Now we can see how God’s Spirit can link with Spirit Man. (You and I and the rest of Humanity). It was God who said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so”. An apple tree cannot bear oranges, neither can a dog birth kittens. Like-wise, a Spirit God cannot have flesh children. Every seed must bear after its own kind. God did not coordinate His effort based upon skin color, race, or people group. From the beginning God constructed His plan based upon who chooses Him by His rule will live with Him in His kingdom. God sees people in two positions. People are either separated (Lost) from God or they are joined (Saved) to Him. Another way to say this: people are God’s creation separated from Him. If they are not separated from Him then they are God’s children born again unto Him. There’re no in-between and God does not have grand-children. People are Spirit Beings wrapped in flesh. Let us start to see people for what God said they are, and not what we think they might be. I guess the obvious question is can someone believe with all their heart the Bible’s account of God and dis-believe its account of the 3-part manifestation (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) of God? From where came their confidence so that they can show their evidence of their belief in the heart? A change of heart will not occur just because someone gave information and it sounded good.