Journey of Fairy Tales

by Laura Botsford

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/21/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781982234126
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781982234119
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781982234133

About the Book

Journey of Fairy Tales is a Disneyesque- Never Ending Story adventure that sparks the beginning of storytelling on Earth. In the uplifting tale of the Tipleah Tree; the Tree of Leaves that holds all the stories ever to be written until one unimaginative day they are stolen by the foreboding negative Harmies of Namerus and locked behind a swirling wall of dismal thought-forms. Kingston and Isla lost their parents in the invasion as well and set off on a journey to rescue them and the Leaves. They embark on a challenging adventure to the Linkalee Alignment where only through being in tune with their natural laws of attraction, magical gadgets, and a willingness to work together can they rescue the Leaves and bring their parents' home.

About the Author

Laura is a multi-disciplinary Artist in Residency with the Arkansas Arts Council. She resides in Portland, Arkansas with her husband and cat Oscar. Laura has written 35 books, and plays with and for children for 29 years. Her United Imaginations Workshops provides children with imaginative teamwork.  Laura's joyful and mellifluous approach to teaching theater craft, book publishing and multimedia workshops are infused with a commitment to well being and moral imagination.

           "This is a fantastic concept, having children create their own books within a structured program that, nevertheless, permits them to utilize every aspect of their imagination and then experiences the great satisfaction of seeing their creations materialize to be shared by others."   Lois Duncan ~ YA Author          

      Laura studied at the McPhail School of Performing Arts in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and taught a summer early childhood Arts program at the Minneapolis              Children's Theater, and attended El Camino Junior College in California majoring in Early Childhood Education and Development. She completed Workshops in curriculum enrichment with inspiring activities for autistic, behavioral challenged and hearing-impaired students. She is a graduate of the Governors Leadership School. She is also the President and founder of a non-profit Arts Agency, Neverlands Inc. from 1992 to the current year.

Laura Botsford website