The Legend of Maribel Sara

by Sterling Ernst

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/24/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 424
ISBN : 9781982226459
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 424
ISBN : 9781982226442

About the Book

After serving fifteen years in prison, Maribel escapes, survives starvation, and does all she can to resist attempts at suicide, her heart and mind haunted by troubled thoughts of her beloved long-lost son. When her former business partners attempt to drag her back to prison, she is put to the ultimate test to redeem herself in the eyes of her son and win her son’s love and forgiveness. The Legend of Maribel Sara is the haunting story of loss of innocence and family and is the grand sequel to The Black Angel. The reader is sure to fall under the powerful spell of Ernst, an adept twister of tales.

About the Author

Sterling Ernst, 26, has quickly become a talented and promising teller of tales. Interested in storytelling and music from a young age he would constently be drawing whenever he had spare time. Considering becoming a comic book creater he went to the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle Washington eventually decided to settle on creative writing. He worked in the food service industry to support himself and his family when at age eighteen created Maribel Sara, a ruthless mercenary and gunslinger inspired by his love of American Comic books, Japanese Manga, Anime, and Melodic Death Metal. Gifted with a vision and strong character development, the author is already off to a convincing and satisfying series featuring gunslinger and drifter Maribel Sara in Black Angel and The Legend of Maribel Sara. More great things from him are undoubtedly to come as he embarks on his writing career. He resides in Seattle.