I Give You Permission to Grieve for Your Dog


by Michele Jarvis-Wonnacott

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/9/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781982225025
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781982225018

About the Book

This book was created in a deep knowing that its words would change the lives of millions of people and their pets all around the world. It is a place and a space for people to grieve the loss of their pet and a place to acknowledge that you are not alone in your pain. This book will bring you to an understanding that the relationship does not end because your pet seems to no longer exist. This important, life-changing book is about the passing journey between me and my dramatic, chaotic, wildest teacher in the world—my Weimaraner Mya. Our relationship continues to this day, and I would like to invite you to believe that yours does as well.

About the Author

From early childhood Michele Jarvis-Wonnacott has been able to hear, see and feel exactly what animals are thinking and feeling. In the early 1990's Michele's whole world opened up after reading Lousie Hay's book,You Can Heal Your Life. Michele's journey began with attending Louise Hays You Can Do it Seminars in Las Vegas, Toronto and Vancouver. Since then, she has attended hundreds of classes and courses in order to bring you an educated, authentic voice. Michele has made it her goal to follow her passion in life which is being an interpreter for animals and a motivator of self empowerment and spiritual wellness for the people that those animals bring with them. After working with over 7000 dogs and about 10,000 people as a dog trainer, Michele put everything aside and began her journey of Animal Communicator and grief support specialist. It is Michele's goal to help people fully understand that life for animals continues from the other side and their lessons and messages do not stop. Michele's additional life purpose is to help people understand that there is a beauty and a grace that is available in your pets passing and every animal in the world deserves to expeince this. I invite you to take a walk in Michele's shoes and see, hear and feel what she has to share with you.