Crystal Healing Methods

Crystals as an Aid to Optimum Health

by Petros Apostolou

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/9/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781982280536
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781982280529

About the Book

The healing guidance within this book originates from documented successful treatments conducted by Petros Apostolou. These treatments were determined through radiesthetic investigation (which is based on vibrational microscanning). Through twenty-eight years of experiences by Petros Apostolou, the book gives a small number of especially interesting practical applications, a sample of unique and original healing application work. The methods outlined in the book are part of a far larger catalogue of methods built up over many years of experiences working with crystals and healing clients. This book specialises in the importance of crystals to human physiology and their practical application to healing particular ailments. Having witnessed impressive results ourselves, we have decided to publish a part of this work for those seeking to become familiar with the specialised function of the crystals. Hopefully, by sharing with you, we will be able to continue to impart more of the immense legacy and benefits of crystals as well as other linked topics concerning the most important aspects of human nature. by Margarita Mantaka

About the Author

Petros Apostolou has been working with crystals and related techniques since 1985. Petros began his journey with crystals when he was still very young and has spent the last few decades building up a series of successful case studies, whereby clients have overcome ailments ranging from mild emotional to severe physical illnesses, through the use of crystals and their healing methods. Although there are many comprehensive guides to the functionality of different crystals, this is the first written work that combines this information, together with tried and tested directions on the practical application of stones for specific issues. This book has been translated from Greek, in order to share the experiences and knowledge with as wide an audience as possible. Petros and his wife Kaity are passionate about empowering individuals to reach their most optimum health, to enable them to live happy and fulfilling lives and create a society moving towards increased balance and harmony. For more information on Petros’s work and crystal courses and bases, please visit