Bakir and Bi

by Jillian Boyd Illustrated by Tori-Jay Mordey

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/28/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781504324472
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781504324465

About the Book

Bakir and Bi is a Torres Strait Islander creation story about a family living on a remote island in the Torres Strait called Egur. The villagers soon experience the hardship of a famine that struck the illustrious island of Egur.  While fishing on the beach, Bakir (rock) comes across a special pelican (Bakir’s totem).  Bakir named the pelican Bi (light), as it brought hope and reassurance of a good future.

Bakir and Bi reminds us that with courage, passion, and the ability to remain true to ourselves, we can weather the storms that threaten to blow us off our course in life. This story weave together the vibrant threads of culture, language and beliefs.

About the Author

Jillian is a Torres Strait Islander woman from the Samsep and Zagareb tribes of Erub and Mer.  She was born and raised on Thursday Island, Torres Strait, graduated Year 12 at Thursday Island State High School in 1987 and currently live in Darwin, Northern Territory.

A wife, mother, grandmother, mentor, published author, poet, songwriter and entrepreneur, Jillian is passionate about investing into the future of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  Jillian has committed her career and creativity to educate, enthuse, and enrich the lives of individuals in Australia’s journey of convergence.