Caught Between Heaven & Earth

My profound encounters with God, and the remarkable truth of our existence.

by Nancy Van Alphen

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/26/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781982221089
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781982221072
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781982221065

About the Book

An Incredible True Story of Awakening

In Caught Between Heaven & Earth, Nancy van Alphen takes us on her unexpected spiritual journey that changed her from agnostic to believer. A humorous peak into her childhood, during which she had but a mere smattering of religion, paints the picture of an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. As a teen she concluded God was unprovable and never looked back—until God decided He wasn't content being a mere possibility. Alone one night, Nancy happened upon a video of a young man given little time to live. Heartfelt compassion morphed into anger as she raised her fists and railed about suffering to a God in whom she didn't really believe. To her utter amazement, God responded. Thus begins her journey in which she traverses a surreal chasm between doubt and belief, caught between Heaven and Earth, as she struggles to understand messages she was given about suffering, reincarnation—including her own—and humanity's true identity. With a sprinkling of light-hearted family anecdotes, Nancy recalls her progressively more profound experiences within the context of earthly reality. Interactions with God, Jesus and angels chip away at her agnosticism, until one day something so amazing happens it obliterates all traces of doubt. Between scenes, Nancy looks at various religious traditions and present day near-death experiences, uncovering information supporting what she was told by Divine source, helping her round out her new picture of reality. Her conclusion presents four habits of LOVE by which to live to foster evolution of one’s soul, as well as the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Praise for Caught Between Heaven & Earth:

"I am proud of Nancy for her courage in sharing her story with us that we might find light in it! It is valuable that she is open and sharing of her reproachment to God. Nancy went in as an agnostic and exited as a full-on believer. Kudos to Nancy for her persistence in continuing the work, in having courage and resilience, and in doing it in a world too often filled with darkness. What a lesson for the rest of us!"

- Dr. Doris Eliana Cohen, PhD Repetition and Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain

"Nancy van Alphen takes you by the hand and ushers you into her mind and then into her heart where you experience her intimate and breathtaking journey from agnosticism to spirituality. Her authentic report begins with angels at her door. That day marked the beginning of her transformation which she describes in honest detail. Hers is a journey similar in its mystical nature to that which I and countless others have experienced in this time of rising awareness. The truths that unfold to Nancy in surprising, even astonishing ways will resonate in the heart of experiencers and non-experiencers alike."

- Emily Rodavich Mystical Interludes and Mystical Interludes II

About the Author

Nancy van Alphen’s unexpected Divine encounters propelled her from agnostic to full-time activist in humanity’s spiritual awakening. Semi-retired, she is a volunteer with the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and facilitates an IANDS Philadelphia group. She has been a long-time hospice volunteer and has been a big sister in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Nancy received a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from Oberlin College, and an associate’s degree in journalism from Lorain County Community College, where she served as newspaper editor for two years. Later, she worked as a copy editor for the regional daily newspaper, The Chronicle Telegram. Nancy grew up in a middle class family in rural-suburban northeast Ohio. Currently, she and husband Eric, a native of The Netherlands, live in southern New Jersey (or South Jersey​ as the locals call it), minutes outside of Philadelphia. With children on both sides of the pond, and a husband who travels extensively, she manages her life around time zones and flight schedules. Her step-children, Jasper and Danique, reside in The Netherlands. Danique provided cover art for Caught Between Heaven & Earth. Bailey, Nancy’s daughter, resides in Ohio and recently graduated from The Ohio State University. A seasoned traveler, Nancy has visited Jerusalem and Ireland, both significant to her spiritual journey. She has also visited Paris, Rome, London, Bangkok, Amsterdam, and a host of other locations throughout the U.S. and Europe. Her hobbies include travel, reading, snorkeling, cooking, and exploration of all things spiritual.