The New Consciousness

What Our World Needs Most

by Jakeb Brock

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/10/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781982208103
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781982208097
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781982208080

About the Book

The new consciousness is a streamlined spiritual perspective on life whose time has come at last. It is not a new religion or sect; neither is it a cult or a fad. It has no doctrines or creeds. Rather it is a bulwark of impersonal realism and truth that authoritatively, yet gently, displaces all forms of ignorance and superstition in the same manner that light dispels darkness. When light shines in, darkness does not need to be overcame or fought against. It is merely banished and forgotten. In the same way that there is no battle, there is no lingering condemnation or shame. In so many ways, human civilization has advanced beyond our highest ideals and expectations. But when it comes to the pursuit and practice of spiritual truth, we have remained remarkably stunted and stagnant. Ignorance and superstition have proven to be tenaciously resilient. Paradoxically, despite their archaic origins, they have been carried over right into this modern technological age. The dawning of the new consciousness marks the beginning of the end for these stubborn, archaic ideologies.

About the Author

Jakeb Brock has been a serious student of spiritual-religious truth teachings for over 40 years. His strong testimony of faith developed slowly and foundationally through his own experience of putting into practice the truths he had learned. Therefore it is a faith that trancends a mere blind faith. Based squarely on universal law, such a faith testimony crosses over into the realm of “what is” rather than that which is merely hoped for. Thus his emphasis as an author-teacher is clearly on man’s present potentialities rather than on some mythical future glory. Jakeb currently makes his home in Mendicino County, California.