It’s All Your Fault

Your Life, Your Choice


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781504313810
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781504313780

About the Book

So much of our time is wasted in feeling that our lives are a series of uncontrollable and painful events that we have no power over and that we just seem to haphazardly bounce and bang around in, unable to make any sense of or find any purpose within. We feel that no matter what we try to do, life is constantly conspiring against us to make things harder than they should be and to strip us of our personal power and happiness. My book, It’s All Your Fault, is here to shatter that illusion and to tell you that you can change this and change your life at any time. You chose this life before you were born. Every person and every experience that has been presented to you, good and bad, you carefully and painstakingly chose, not so you could suffer but rather so you could learn and evolve to be all that you can possibly be. What’s more, you even created a map of all this that you can follow to give you all the insight, guidance, and understanding you will need to live and love the life you have chosen. We are all souls on a journey through lifetime after lifetime, and your astrological natal chart contains every piece of information you need to not only navigate your journey but to empower you to step up and be all that you can be. It’s All Your Fault contains many insights, revelations, and practical tools you can use to decipher your life and open your heart and soul to the world of metaphysics and the power that lies within, taking responsibility and accepting and loving all that you are so you can be all that you are destined to be.

About the Author

Deidre Wilton is a renowned Esoteric Astrologer, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Counsellor, who has been guiding and assisting people from all over the world for more than 15 years. She studied with world renowned medium and deep trance channel for the Ascended Master, Maitreya – Margaret McElroy (Birkin) for many years, and has gained a vast array of knowledge and experience which she generously shares with her students and clients around the world. Deidre teaches Workshops, run Courses, and meets and works privately with thousands of clients around the world on her journey to bring the wisdom and understanding of astrology and metaphysics to the earth plane. Deidre believes passionately that we are all here for a reason and that the more we can understand and accept who we truly are, the more equipped we will be to create and embrace happy, fulfilled and empowered lives on every level. Through her own personal journey and all that she has been taught, Deidre has created her own unique way of teaching and interpreting astrology that changes the lives and awareness of everyone she works with. An amazingly accurate Intuitive as well as Astrologer, Deidre is as well-known for her individual Readings and forecasts, as she is for her Workshops and teachings. Deidre created Star-Wise Clairvoyant Astrology in 2003 ( as a platform from which she could reach out and share with souls all around the world her knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the world of Spirit and Astrology. And with the release of her first book “It’s All Your Fault” she hopes to touch and change countless more lives and set thousands of souls on their path to embracing their lives and finding power and joy in all that they do.