A Spark of Energy

Just Like You

by Vanda Valente

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781982204228
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781982204235

About the Book

If you are searching for that harmonic and unique place that vibrates inside you, because you either are dealing with health issues or are simply in need of a more positive path, you are holding the right book. With this book, you will learn why healthy eating and exercising is not enough to overcome health issues. You will understand that you have four different levels within your existence that work together as a whole to keep you healthy and balanced. Above all, you will learn that you are energy, and that it is by accepting the uniqueness of your vibration that you will be able to balance all these levels and feel whole. This book will take you on a journey to the beginning of who you are energetically and how, by understanding this, you will grasp the full meaning of giving life your 100 percent. You will realize that this can only be achieved by bringing to your day-to-day routine a harmonic positive input to healthy eating, exercising, emotional and mental cleansing, and connection to the different levels of consciousness that constitute your spiritual existence.

About the Author

Vanda is a Portuguese holistic therapist who dedicates her life in assisting people in their path by teaching them about Energy and Energy Therapies. Her simple approach to specific areas of Physics, Biology and Meditation, give each person the chance to discover their true vibration on this planet.