What My Spirit Guides Told Me
Stanley Keely, Ph.D.
Preface....................................................................... vii
Part 1
1 Introduction ............................................................................... 1
2 Important People along My Path ................................................ 4
3 Major Events in My Journey into Spirituality ............................. 6
4 Experiencing a Higher Realm ..................................................... 8
5 Positive Things Start to Happen Professionally ..........................11
6 My Evolving Views on Reality and Consciousness .................... 16
Part 2
7 Communicating with My Guides ............................................. 21
8 Suffering................................................................................... 23
9 The Dying Process.................................................................... 31
10 Creation.................................................................................... 33
11 We Are All One ........................................................................ 36
12 Where Do We Go from Here? .................................................. 39
13 Personal Anger.......................................................................... 42
14 Becoming a Better Person ......................................................... 45
15 What Has the Highest Priority?................................................ 48
16 Fear .......................................................................................... 50
17 Desire, Craving, Grasping ........................................................ 52
18 Just the Next Step ..................................................................... 55
19 Life in the Spirit Realm ............................................................ 56
20 Different Levels ........................................................................ 58
21 Self-Healing.............................................................................. 60
22 Energy ...................................................................................... 63
23 Selfishness ................................................................................ 65
Part 3
24 Where, When, and How Did My Spirit Come into Being?....... 69
25 Life Plan ................................................................................... 71
26 Does Absolute Source (God) Think? .........................................74
27 What Created Me?.................................................................... 78
28 Change ..................................................................................... 80
29 Beliefs I Am Unaware Of.......................................................... 82
Part 4
30 A Brief Overview of My Life..................................................... 87
Part 5
31 My Current Core Beliefs..........................................................113
I have been a seeker of spiritual knowledge for most of my life. The search for my truth (whatever that might be) has greatly intensified over the last three decades. The primary reason for this search is to gain a more in-depth understanding of existence and purpose. I was thirteen when I started to sincerely question what I heard in church, at school, and from the elders of the small, rural community I was raised in. During the last half of my life, I have been fortunate to have enough money, time, and energy to study and experience many different spiritual teachings and views. I have pursued both Western and Eastern thought. For the last ten years through the utilization of mindfulness meditation, contemplation, shamanic journeying, and what I refer to as semi-automatic writing, I believe I have been able to receive answers from the spirit realm(s) to many of my questions and concerns. Until now I have never considered writing about the information communicated to me. The primary reason I have been hesitant about describing the material I received was that I believe everyone has his or her own unique and individual spiritual path. The specific answers I received to my questions were communicated in a fashion that I could best understand at my level of consciousness. There are many more advanced individuals who might find my information sophomoric and insignificant while others may not yet be able to appreciate what I was shown. Also, I did not want to embarrass my friends and family by perhaps appearing somewhat nonsensical. I have now agreed to share my spiritual path and the insights I have received as an example of what has worked well for me. I do not think anyone should accept what I report as his or her truth; it is only mine. We are all unique and must evolve in our own particular ways. We are each responsible for our individual spiritual evolution.
I believe it is beneficial for all of us to share our spiritual views, beliefs, and opinions and to be respectful as others share theirs with us. We should open-mindedly discuss our differences and our commonalities with an attitude of accepting and allowing everyone to hold our respective positions. Because of where I now live and my physical condition, I currently have little opportunity to do that. I realize that communicating the information I have received is a one-way street. I am sharing, but there is no discussion. I regret this, but it is the best I can currently offer.
There is a short and a long answer to the question of why I am now sharing this information. The short answer and the most pertinent is that it was suggested to me by my spirit guides that I do so. The longer one is that I want to be of service to others. I am seventy-two years old. I have been a juvenile-onset, insulin-requiring diabetic since 1959 and currently have significant health challenges. With current technologies for the treatment of diabetes, it may be possible to live with the disease and have an almost normal length of life. However, very few diabetics diagnosed when I was have survived as long as I have. My guides have suggested that if I want to share their communications, I might want to start now.
When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I was a sophomore in high school and wanted to participate in sports, eat a normal teenager diet, and enjoy the excitement of adolescence. However, my weight dropped from 165 pounds to under 120 over a two- to three-month period. I was very weak and missed almost two months of school, falling well behind my classmates both scholastically and socially. While I accepted that I had to take daily insulin injections, I hated the strict low-calorie diet diabetics were given at that time, and I abhorred appearing different from my classmates, so I decided to live my life as normally as I could. I kept the fact I that I had diabetes a secret as much as possible. I ate cafeteria food (high carbohydrate), I played sports, and most importantly, I dated a few of the nicest girls in my high school. All went well. I graduated from high school and from college and was in my third year of graduate school when my diabetes, my insulin levels, and my intense exercise routine induced an extreme hypoglycemic event, allowing me to enjoy a wonderful and fascinating near-death out-of-body experience (ND/OBE). It was completely indescribable except to say it was the most significant thing that has ever happened to me. While I did not realize it at the time, my ND/OBE allowed me to brief ly experience the spirit realm and started me on my spiritual quest.