
A Civilization Time Forgot

by Una Marcotte

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/25/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982206420
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982206413

About the Book

Before Atlantis, there was Lemuria. No one is certain as to when this civilization existed, but an educated guess is around 300,000 BC. It was a time when people began to live in communities and build shelters by the sea, for water was very sacred to them. The Lemurians were a highly spiritual people and practiced equality as it has never been practiced since. Everyone was equal regardless of what labor they provided for the welfare and comfort of everyone else. There was a Council of Elders, wise men and women who offered advice and suggestions to those asking for help, but even this group had no jurisdiction over anyone else in their village. The Lemurians possessed a group mind where no individuality existed or was even thought about and where no one belonged to anyone else. Even children did not belong to their mothers but to everyone residing in the community. The concept of marriage and family simply did not exist. No one owned anything either. Land, homes, and even possessions belonged to everyone in the community. It was also a matriarchal society where women were highly respected and had an equal voice with men. Learning about their lifestyle and culture, it quickly becomes apparent that modern humans would have a difficult time understanding the people of this ancient civilization. Yet it is important for humans of today to learn about Lemuria as this shift in thinking, in consciousness, that is permeating the world is actually a return to this kind, loving, compassionate Lemurian energy. The whole world is now slowly stepping up or ascending into this higher vibrational energy of love as exhibited by the earth’s first civilization, namely Lemuria.

About the Author

Una Marcotte has maintained a highly successful career in a variety of fields over the years. In addition to her life-long interest in ancient civilizations, she is an avid reader, teacher, researcher and writer. Una earned a Liberal Arts degree at Marquette University and a graduate degree in Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She taught high school English, Journalism, and Mass Media for nine years. She later worked for such Fortune 500 companies as the Xerox Corporation, Miller Brewing, Wang Laboratories, Bull Information Systems and lectured throughout the United States, as well as in Germany, France, Hong Kong, and Australia. After moving to Virginia Beach, Virginia, she served as an adjunct professor in Public Speaking for Tidewater Community College and directed the speakers program for Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), where Una also conducted speaker training classes for eleven years. She’s written four kindle books on the art of public speaking the first of which is entitled, Create Your Speech, available on Amazon. After 20 years of meticulous research, Una has seamlessly integrated an enormous body of information on Lemuria and brought to fruition a most important compilation of knowledge and insight in a highly readable, inspiring, and extraordinary book about a pre-recorded civilization that disappeared from the planet over 52,000 years ago.