From choices comes change in every shape and form. Just as you choose what to wear each day; it’s all the same thing. How are you feel about yourself, how you wish others to see you and respond to you, it all comes down to choice.
To make changes - if you do not like what you have now, this is to start choosing differently in everything that you do. It is more complex than just choosing differently but it is a start, if that is what you wish to do. No good saying if only this or that would happen in my life, it is up to each individual to decide what it is they would like to alter and taking the appropriate steps to bring that about. Sometimes it takes courage and determination to make these changes. At other times it only takes a simple change of thought to implement it. It really all depends what it is of course. Some things are harder than others, some are very subtle and hardly noticeable until you look back and notice the difference, others have to be implemented overtime because they are so great that they take a while to put into place and also for you to adjust to them.
Many people are opposed to change, wanting everything to stay the same, so they surround themselves with all that is known and familiar, and dare I say fear anything that is unfamiliar to them. At some point though they will change as everything does. To resist is futile, for the universe is all about change, evolving, growing and forever moving forwards to something fresh and new.
So why would some people resist?
Some to avoid confrontation, others think they would be letting others down in some way or perhaps being in a family that has always done things a certain way and they do not wish to upset the status quo. To be different or to think they have a duty to follow their wishes instead of their own.
It is not about what others are doing or being in this life but what you are doing and being. This is the most important thing of all, for not being you and all you stand for is denying the opportunity for you to grow. Being what someone else wants you to be and not being you is missing the opportunity given to you by the circumstances you find yourself in.
This book will give you the guidance and many insights into the reasons why you are here and also ways in which you can move forward into a more fulfilling and purposeful life, if that as I said, is your desire. There will be many insights to in the workings of the universe and opportunities to grasp the realisation of life itself. How you use this book and view this knowledge is entirely up to you. It is purely a choice and free will.